When the client send Get data, utf-8 character encoding have a tiny problem with the urlencode.
Consider the "º" character.
Some clients can send (as example)
and another clients send
foo.php?myvar=%C2%BA (The "right" url encoding)
in this scenary, you assign the value into variable $x
$x = $_GET['myvar'];
$x store: in the first case "�" (bad) and in the second case "º" (good)
To fix that, you can use this function:
function to_utf8( $string ) {
if ( preg_match('%^(?:
[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII
| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte
| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs
| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte
| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates
| \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3
| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
)*$%xs', $string) ) {
return $string;
} else {
return iconv( 'CP1252', 'UTF-8', $string);
and assign in this way:
$x = to_utf8( $_GET['myvar'] );
$x store: in the first case "º" (good) and in the second case "º" (good)
Solve a lot of i18n problems.
Please fix the auto-urldecode of $_GET var in the next PHP version.
Alejandro Salamanca