To access a photograph's EXIF data, an alternative method is the normal PHP Exif function.
$exif_data = exif_read_data($pic1);
$edate = $exif_data['DateTime'];
(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)
Imagick::getImageProperty — Returns the named image property
Returns the named image property. This method is available if Imagick has been compiled against ImageMagick version 6.3.2 or newer.
name of the property (for example Exif:DateTime)
Returns a string containing the image property, false if a property with the given name does not exist.
Example #1 Using Imagick::getImageProperty():
Setting and getting image property
$image = new Imagick();
$image->newImage(300, 200, "black");
$image->setImageProperty('Exif:Make', 'Imagick');
echo $image->getImageProperty('Exif:Make');
To access a photograph's EXIF data, an alternative method is the normal PHP Exif function.
$exif_data = exif_read_data($pic1);
$edate = $exif_data['DateTime'];