this class can substitute the method evaluate while it is not validated. Made for Yuri Bastos and Jo�o Gilberto Magalh�es.
class XPtahQuery
public static function selectNodes($pNode, $xPath)
$pos = strpos(self::getFullXpath($pNode),"/",1);
$xPathQuery = substr(self::getFullXpath($pNode),$pos);$xPathQueryFull = $xPathQuery. $xPath;
$domXPath = new DOMXPath($pNode->ownerDocument);
$rNodeList = $domXPath->query($xPathQueryFull);
return $rNodeList;
public static function selectSingleNode($pNode, $xPath)
$pos = strpos(self::getFullXpath($pNode),"/",1);
$xPathQuery = substr(self::getFullXpath($pNode),$pos);$xPathQueryFull = $xPathQuery. $xPath;
$domXPath = new DOMXPath($pNode->ownerDocument);
$rNode = $domXPath->query($xPathQueryFull)->item(0);
return $rNode;
private function getNodePos($pNode, $nodeName)
if($pNode == null)
return 0;
$var = 0;
if ($pNode->previousSibling != null)
if ($pNode->previousSibling->nodeName == $nodeName)
$var = 1;
return self::getNodePos($pNode->previousSibling, $nodeName) + $var;
private function getFullXpath($pNode)
if($pNode == null)
return "";
return self::getFullXpath($pNode->parentNode) . "/" . $pNode->nodeName . "[" .strval(self::getNodePos($pNode, $pNode->nodeName)+1) . "]";}