Remember to trim() the $_POST before your filters are applied:
// We trim the $_POST data before any spaces get encoded to "%20"
// Trim array values using this function "trim_value"
function trim_value(&$value)
$value = trim($value); // this removes whitespace and related characters from the beginning and end of the string
array_filter($_POST, 'trim_value'); // the data in $_POST is trimmed
$postfilter = // set up the filters to be used with the trimmed post array
'user_tasks' => array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, 'flags' => !FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), // removes tags. formatting code is encoded -- add nl2br() when displaying
'username' => array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED, 'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), // we are using this in the url
'mod_title' => array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED, 'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW), // we are using this in the url
$revised_post_array = filter_var_array($_POST, $postfilter); // must be referenced via a variable which is now an array that takes the place of $_POST[]
echo (nl2br($revised_post_array['user_tasks'])); //-- use nl2br() upon output like so, for the ['user_tasks'] array value so that the newlines are formatted, since this is our HTML <textarea> field and we want to maintain newlines