(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
mysqli::real_query -- mysqli_real_query — Execute an SQL query
Stile orientato agli oggetti
Stile procedurale
Executes a single query against the database whose result can then be retrieved or stored using the mysqli_store_result() or mysqli_use_result() functions.
If the query contains any variable input then parameterized prepared statements should be used instead. Alternatively, the data must be properly formatted and all strings must be escaped using the mysqli_real_escape_string() function.
In order to determine if a given query should return a result set or not, see mysqli_field_count().
Solo nello stile procedurale: un identificatore restituito da mysqli_connect() o mysqli_init()
The query string.
If mysqli error reporting is enabled (MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR
) and the requested operation fails,
a warning is generated. If, in addition, the mode is set to MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT
a mysqli_sql_exception is thrown instead.