For traits:
- ReflectionClass::isAbstract returns true if the trait contains at least one un-implemented abstract method, including those declared into used traits.
- ReflectionClass::isAbstract returns false if all methods are implemented.
trait TI { public function has() {} }
var_dump((new ReflectionClass(TI::class))->isAbstract());
trait TT { abstract public function has(); }
trait T { use TT; }
var_dump((new ReflectionClass(T::class))->isAbstract());
Will output:
For interfaces:
- ReflectionClass::isAbstract returns true if the interface contains at least one method, including into its extended interfaces.
- ReflectionClass::isAbstract returns false if the interface contains no method.
interface AI {}
var_dump((new ReflectionClass(AI::class))->isAbstract());
interface II { public function has(); }
interface I extends II {}
var_dump((new ReflectionClass(I::class))->isAbstract());
Will output:
For classes:
- Reflection::isAbstract returns true if the class is marked as abstract, no matter if it contains abstract methods or not.