You can open /dev/tty on unix systems or \con in windows, with ob_implicit_flush(true) to write output unbuffered. Works like a charm :-)
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
class prompt {
var $tty;
function prompt() {
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") {
$this->tty = fOpen("\con", "rb");
} else {
if (!($this->tty = fOpen("/dev/tty", "r"))) {
$this->tty = fOpen("php://stdin", "r");
function get($string, $length = 1024) {
echo $string;
$result = trim(fGets($this->tty, $length));
echo "\n";
return $result;
echo "Enter something or 'exit' to quit\n";
do {
$cmdline = new prompt();
$buffer = $cmdline->get("Something: ");
echo "You said: $buffer\n";
} while ($buffer !== "exit");
echo "Goodbye\n";