
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

bcpowRaise an arbitrary precision number to another


bcpow(string $num, string $exponent, ?int $scale = null): string

Raise num to the power exponent.



The base, as a string.


The exponent, as a string. Must be a value with no fractional part. The valid range of the exponent is platform specific, but is at least -2147483648 to 2147483647.

This parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. If null, it will default to the default scale set with bcscale(), or fallback to the value of the bcmath.scale INI directive.

Return Values

Returns the result as a string.


This function throws a ValueError in the following cases:

  • num or exponent is not a well-formed BCMath numeric string
  • exponent has a fractional part
  • exponent or scale is outside the valid range

This function throws a DivisionByZeroError exception if num is 0 and exponent is a negative value.


Version Description
8.4.0 Negative powers of 0 previously returned 0, but now throw a DivisionByZeroError exception.
8.0.0 When exponent has a fractional part, it now throws a ValueError instead of truncating.
7.3.0 bcpow() now returns numbers with the requested scale. Formerly, the returned numbers may have omitted trailing decimal zeroes.


Example #1 bcpow() example


echo bcpow('4.2', '3', 2); // 74.08




Before PHP 7.3.0 bcpow() may return a result with fewer digits after the decimal point than the scale parameter would indicate. This only occurs when the result doesn't require all of the precision allowed by the scale. For example:

Example #2 bcpow() scale example

echo bcpow('5', '2', 2); // prints "25", not "25.00"

See Also

  • bcpowmod() - Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
  • bcsqrt() - Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
  • BcMath\Number::pow() - Raises an arbitrary precision number

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

Michael Bailey (jinxidoru at byu dot net)
20 years ago
bcpow() only supports exponents less than or equal to 2^31-1. Also, bcpow() does not support decimal numbers. If you have scale set to 0, then the exponent is converted to an interger; otherwise an error is generated.

Michael Bailey
thomas at tgohome dot com
15 years ago


* Computes the natural logarithm using a series.
* @author Thomas Oldbury.
* @license Public domain.
function bcln($a, $iter = 10)
$result = "0.0";

$i = 0; $i < $iter; $i++)
$pow = (1 + (2 * $i));
$mul = bcdiv("1.0", $pow);
$fraction = bcmul($mul, bcpow(bcsub($a, "1.0") / bcadd($a, "1.0"), $pow));
$result = bcadd($fraction, $result);

bcmul("2.0", $result);

* Computes the base2 log using baseN log.
* @note Requires above functions.
* @author Thomas Oldbury.
* @license Public domain.
function bclog2($a, $iter = 10)
bcdiv(bcln($a, $iter), bcln("2", $iter));

* Computes the base10 log using baseN log.
* @note Requires above functions.
* @author Thomas Oldbury.
* @license Public domain.
function bclog10($a, $iter = 10)
bcdiv(bcln($a, $iter), bcln("10", $iter));

19 years ago
Well, if bcpow has limits, then this should work:
function bcpow_($num, $power) {
$awnser = "1";
while (
$power) {
$awnser = bcmul($awnser, $num, 100);
$power = bcsub($power, "1");
rtrim($awnser, '0.');
Just that $power cannot have decimal digits in it.
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