PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

SQLite3::escapeStringDevolver una cadena que ha sido debidamente escapada


public static SQLite3::escapeString(string $value): string

Devuelve una cadena que ha sido debidamente escapada para una inclusión segura en una sentencia SQL.


Esta función no es (todavía) segura binariamente

Para manejar adecuadamente campos BLOB que puedan contener caracteres NUL, use SQLite3Stmt::bindParam() en su lugar.



La cadena a ser escapada.

Valores devueltos

Devuelve una cadena debidamente escapada que puede ser usada de forma segura en una sentencia SQL.



addslashes() NO debería usarse para entrecomillar las cadenas de consulta de SQLite; conducirá a resultados extraños al recuperar la información.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

alec at alecnewman dot com
14 years ago
The reason this function doesn't escape double quotes is because double quotes are used with names (the equivalent of backticks in MySQL), as in table or column names, while single quotes are used for values.

This is important to remember, especially coming from another SQL implementation. It can cause strange problems, for example, the query:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column1="column1"

Would actually return every record, because column1 is always equal to column1. This should instead be:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column1='column1'

Double quotes are not escaped by the function because they are not interpreted specially within single quoted strings.
nhl261 at yahoo dot com
10 years ago
Be careful if the string contains "\0" char.
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