PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PECL uopz 5, PECL uopz 6, PECL uopz 7)

uopz_get_staticGets the static variables from function or method scope


uopz_get_static(string $class, string $function): array
uopz_get_static(string $function): array

Gets the static variables from function or method scope.

Elenco dei parametri


The name of the class.


The name of the function or method.

Valori restituiti

Returns an associative array of variable names mapped to their current values on success, or null if the function or method does not exist.

As of PHP 8.3.0, static initialzers are either computed during compile time, or if that is not possible, only when the function or method is run the first time, in which case the value of the static variable is reported as null prior to the first invocation.


Example #1 Basic uopz_get_static() Usage

function foo() {
$bar = 'baz';

Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:

array(1) {
  string(3) "baz"

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