The RoundingMode Enum


The RoundingMode enum is used to specify how rounding should be performed for round(), bcround(), and BCMath::round().

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enum RoundingMode
case HalfAwayFromZero ;
/** Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the integer with the larger absolute value. */
case HalfTowardsZero ;
/** Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the integer with the smaller absolute value. */
case HalfEven ;
/** Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the even integer. */
case HalfOdd ;
/** Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the odd integer. */
case TowardsZero ;
/** Round to the nearest integer with a smaller or equal absolute value. */
case AwayFromZero ;
/** Round to the nearest integer with a greater or equal absolute value. */
case NegativeInfinity ;
/** Round to the largest integer that is smaller or equal. */
case PositiveInfinity ;
/** Round to the smallest integer that is greater or equal. */
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