PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing

用 phpize 编译共享 PECL 扩展库

有时候不能用 pecl 安装命令。这可能是因为存在防火墙,或者要安装的扩展不可用作 PECL 兼容的包,例如 Git 中尚未发布的扩展库。如果要编译这种扩展,可以用更底层的编译工具来手工进行编译。

phpize 命令是用来准备 PHP 扩展库的编译环境的。下面例子中,扩展库的源程序位于 extname 目录中:

$ cd extname
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

成功的安装将创建 并放置于 PHP 的扩展库目录中。需要调整 php.ini,加入 这一行之后才能使用此扩展库。

如果系统中没有 phpize 命令并且使用了预编译的包(例如 RPM),那要安装 PHP 包相应的开发版本,此版本通常包含了 phpize 命令以及用于编译 PHP 及其扩展库的正确头文件。

使用 phpize --help 命令可以显示此命令用法。


用户贡献的备注 3 notes

16 years ago
If you have multiple PHP versions installed, you may be able to specify for which installation you'd like to build by using the --with-php-config option during configuration.

--with-php-config=[Insert path to proper php-config here]

For example (my case):
./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php5/bin/php-config5
admin at eexit dot net
12 years ago
When compiling an extension for a stack which is 64 bits (for example) and your compiler is configured to compile in 32 bits, you can manually compile your extensions using C flags before your configure.

Example: my system compiler is 32 bits and my stack is 64 bits. To compile my xdebug:

# phpize
# CFLAGS=-m64 CPPFLAGS=-m64 CCASFLAGS=-m64 ./configure --enable-xdebug
# gmake
# file modules/
modules/ ELF 64-bit LSB dynamic lib AMD64 Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped, no debugging information available
dmytton at php dot net
18 years ago
In some situations (e.g. on a cPanel server), the built extension will not be placed into the correct extensions directory by the make install process. Use your phpinfo() output to determine what the correct extension_dir path is and move the generated .so file into that directory. The line in php.ini will then find the extension file correctly.
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