PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PECL yar >= 1.0.0)

Yar_Concurrent_Client::loopSend all calls


public static Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop(callable $callback = ?, callable $error_callback = ?): bool

Send all registed remote RPC calls.



If this callback is set, then Yar will call this callback after all calls are sent and before any response return, with a $callinfo NULL.

Then, if user didn't specify callback when registering concurrent call, this callback will be used to handle response, otherwise, the callback specified while registering will be used.


If this callback is set, then Yar will call this callback while error occurred.

Return Values


Example #1 Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop() example

function callback($retval, $callinfo) {
if (
$callinfo == NULL) {
"Now, all requests are sent, and no any response available\n";
} else {
"This is a remote call response, the method name is", $callinfo["method"],
". calling sequence is " , $callinfo["sequence"] , "\n";

error_callback($type, $error, $callinfo) {

Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters"), "callback");
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters")); // if the callback is not specificed,
// callback in loop will be used
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters"), "callback", NULL, array(YAR_OPT_PACKAGER => "json"));
//this server accept json packager
Yar_Concurrent_Client::call("http://host/api/", "some_method", array("parameters"), "callback", NULL, array(YAR_OPT_TIMEOUT=>1));
//custom timeout

Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop("callback", "error_callback"); //send the requests,
//the error_callback is optional

The above example will output something similar to:

Now, all requests are sent, and no any response available
This is a remote call response, the method name issome_method. calling sequence is 4
string(11) "some_method"
This is a remote call response, the method name issome_method. calling sequence is 1
string(11) "some_method"
This is a remote call response, the method name issome_method. calling sequence is 2
string(11) "some_method"
This is a remote call response, the method name issome_method. calling sequence is 3
string(11) "some_method"

See Also

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