Soporte para el método PUT

PHP ofrece soporte para el método PUT de HTTP utilizado por algunos clientes para almacenar ficheros en un servidor. Las peticiones PUT son mucho más simples que una subida de ficheros mediante peticiones POST. Se ven algo como esto:

PUT /ruta/nombrefichero.html HTTP/1.1

Esto normalmente significaría que el cliente remoto quiere guardar el contenido que le sigue como: /ruta/nombrefichero.html en el árbol web. Obviamente, no es una buena idea que Apache o PHP permitan a todo el mundo sobrescribir automáticamente cualquier fichero del árbol web. Por tanto, para manejar tales peticiones se debe primero indicar al servidor web que cierto script de PHP maneje la petición. En Apache, esto se hace con la directiva Script. Esta se puede colocar casi en cualquier parte del fichero de configuración de Apache. Un lugar común es dentro de un bloque <Directory> o tal vez dentro de un bloque <VirtualHost>. Una línea como ésta resolvería el problema:

Script PUT /put.php

Esto le indica a Apache que envíe todas las peticiones PUT para los URI que coincidan con el contexto en el cual se pone esta línea en el script put.php. Se asume, por supuesto, que se tiene habilitado PHP para la extensión .php y que PHP está activo. El recurso de destino para todas las peiticiones PUT a este script tiene que ser el propio script, no el nombre de fichero que debería tener el fichero subido.

Entonces, con PHP se haría algo como lo siguiente en el fichero put.php. Se copiaría el contenido del fichero subido al fichero mificheroput.ext en el servidor. Podría ser conveniente realizar algunas comprobaciones y/o autenticar al usuario antes de realizar esta copia del fichero.

Ejemplo #1 Guardar ficheros PUT de HTTP

/* Los datos de PUT vienen en el flujo de entrada estándar */
$datosPUT = fopen("php://input", "r");

/* Abrir un fichero para escritura */
$fp = fopen("mificheroput.ext", "w");

/* Leer 1 KB de datos cada vez
y escribir en el fichero */
while ($datos = fread($datosPUT, 1024))
fwrite($fp, $datos);

/* Cerrar los flujos */

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

micronix at gmx dot net
14 years ago
Hello PHP World After many Hours of worryness :=)

I have found the Solution for Resume or Pause Uploads
In this Code Snippet it is the Server Side not Client on any Desktop Programm you must use byte ranges to calculate the uploaded bytes and missing of total bytes.

Here the PHP Code

= 8192;

try {
if (!(
$putData = fopen("php://input", "r")))
throw new
Exception("Can't get PUT data.");

// now the params can be used like any other variable
// see below after input has finished

$tot_write = 0;
$tmpFileName = "/var/dev/tmp/PUT_FILE";
// Create a temp file
if (!is_file($tmpFileName)) {
fclose(fopen($tmpFileName, "x")); //create the file and close it
// Open the file for writing
if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFileName, "w")))
throw new
Exception("Can't write to tmp file");

// Read the data a chunk at a time and write to the file
while ($data = fread($putData, $CHUNK)) {
$chunk_read = strlen($data);
if ((
$block_write = fwrite($fp, $data)) != $chunk_read)
throw new
Exception("Can't write more to tmp file");

$tot_write += $block_write;

if (!
throw new
Exception("Can't close tmp file");

} else {
// Open the file for writing
if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFileName, "a")))
throw new
Exception("Can't write to tmp file");

// Read the data a chunk at a time and write to the file
while ($data = fread($putData, $CHUNK)) {
$chunk_read = strlen($data);
if ((
$block_write = fwrite($fp, $data)) != $chunk_read)
throw new
Exception("Can't write more to tmp file");

$tot_write += $block_write;

if (!
throw new
Exception("Can't close tmp file");


// Check file length and MD5
if ($tot_write != $file_size)
throw new
Exception("Wrong file size");

$md5_arr = explode(' ', exec("md5sum $tmpFileName"));
$md5 = $md5sum_arr[0];
if (
$md5 != $md5sum)
throw new
Exception("Wrong md5");
} catch (
Exception $e) {
'', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
arnaud at caramia dot Fr
1 year ago
We resolved our problem with

It parses multipart/form-data body (files and payload) with PUT and PATCH http requests, witch was only possible before with POST http request.
Oscar Fernandez Sierra
3 years ago
This is what worked for me. There are many examples in the web that don't work. I found in

IMPORTANT: You should not use the code

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PUT, true);

even if it seems to be the right option (it would be the right option for a POST request, with CURLOPT_POST, but it does not work for a PUT request).

Notice that the constant CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST is used instead of CURLOPT_PUT, and that the value used is "PUT" instead of true.


= "....."; // put your URL here

$data = array("a" => $a);

$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));

$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ( !
$response) {
polygon dot co dot in at gmail dot com
1 year ago
I was confused with file uploads using the PUT method.
My concern was why can't we upload multiple files using the PUT method with streams
PUT data comes in on the stdin stream
$putdata = fopen("php://input", "r");
Note the $putdata is a file pointer to the file content that is being uploaded.
The data is received on the server on the fly (which means available as it is received)

Secondly, when we are using parse_str(file_get_contents("php://input")).
This means the data is completely received on the server end and is then made available to the script.

When using fopen() one cant parse the data. This can be used when uploading a large file.
The file may range from 100's of MBs to Gigs where streams plays a major role.

Streams make the file data available to script in chunks instead of first saving in the temp folder.
Hence, when using $putdata = fopen("php://input", "r"); one can't pass the payload as well.
If someone wants to pass the payload the only option is in the URL query string.
10 years ago
Instead of using fread fwrite to save uploaded content to a file.
stream_copy_to_stream is much cleaner.
willy at kochkonsult dot no
3 years ago
All the example code I found for using PUT with PHP always used a default hard-coded file extension for the incoming stream.

The filename from the incoming file PUT request can't be found anywhere from the incoming request (at least I couldn't find it) but mimetype can be found in the $_SERVER global variable.

I used this code to get the correct file extension:


if ($mimeType!='application/pdf')
header('HTTP/1.1 405 Only PDF files allowed');
echo("Only PDF files are allowed for upload - this file is ".$mimeType);
else $fileExtension = 'pdf';

If you have an Apache Tika server available, that would be the best option to analyze the file content to get the mimetype, but that might not be in scope for everyone :-)
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