PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mb_strimwidthObtiene un string truncado con el ancho especificado


    string $str,
    int $start,
    int $width,
    string $trimmarker = "",
    string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding()
): string

Trunca el string str al ancho especificado por width.



El string a codificar.


El índice de la posición de inicio. El número de caracteres desde el comienzo del string. (El índice del primer carácter es 0)


El ancho del recorte deseado.


Un string que se añade al final del string cuando éste es truncado.


El parámetro encoding es la codificación de caracteres. Si es omitido, será usado el valor de la codificación de caracteres interna.

Valores devueltos

El string truncado. Si se establece trimmarker, trimmarker reemplaza los últimos caracters que coincidan con width.


Ejemplo #1 Ejemplo de mb_strimwidth()

echo mb_strimwidth("Hello World", 0, 10, "...");
// salida: "Hello W..."

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

dregad at NOSPAM-mantisbt dot org
1 year ago
I see a lot of usage in the field where people rely on this function to truncate a string to a given length and append some chars at the end following example #1 in the above documentation.

While this works just fine with Western alphabets, it should be noted that a string's width is NOT necessarily the same as its length.

In Chinese, Japanese and Korean, some characters can be represented as full or half width, which may lead to unexpected results...

= ['English' => 'Switzerland',
'Half width' => 'スイス',
'Full width' => 'スイス',
foreach (
$str as $w => $s) {
printf("%-10s: %s (bytes=%d chars=%d width=%d)\nSubstring : %s\nTrim width: %s\n\n",
$w, $s,
strlen($s), mb_strlen($s), mb_strwidth($s),
mb_substr($s, 0, 3),
mb_strimwidth($s, 0, 3)
/* Output
# With ASCII, chars == width, so everything works as expected
English : Switzerland (bytes=11 chars=11 width=11)
Substring : Swi
Trim width: Swi

# With half-width katakanas, it works too
Half width: スイス (bytes=9 chars=3 width=3)
Substring : スイス
Trim width: スイス

# Full-width katakanas are twice as wide, so we only get the 1st 'su' !
Full width: スイス (bytes=9 chars=3 width=6)
Substring : スイス
Trim width: ス
jamesgrimshaw2006 at gmail dot com
1 year ago
mb_strimwidth will only append "trim_marker" if the string is over the width.

*test code*
$HashTags = 'Results';
$socialmediatext = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
for( $i=0; $i<=20; $i++ )
$socialmediatext .= '.';
$Twittext = mb_strimwidth($socialmediatext,0,35,$HashTags);
echo "<p>[".strlen($Twittext)."]$Twittext</p>";

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