
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

openssl_digestComputa un método de resumen


openssl_digest(string $data, string $method, bool $raw_output = false): string

Computa un valor hash del método de resumen (digest) para la información dada usando el método dado, y devuelve una cadena codificada en bruto o mediante binhex.


Esta función no está documentada actualmente, solamente se encuentra disponible la lista de parámetros.



La información.


El método de resumen.


Establecido a true devolverá información de salida en bruto, si no, devolverá el valor codificado mediante binhex.

Valores devueltos

Devuelve el valor hash del método de resumen si se tuvo éxito o false en caso de error.


Emite un error de nivel E_WARNING si se pasa un algoritmo de cifrado desconocido mediante el parámetro method.

Ver también

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

mwgamera at gmail dot com
10 years ago
The second argument should be one of the values returned by openssl_get_md_methods() rather than hash_algos(). ‘Hash’ and ‘OpenSSL’ are independent extensions and support different selection of digest algorithms. Notably, Hash supports some non-cryptographic hashes like adler or crc.
skyblackhawk at yahoo dot it
13 years ago
// $fileBuffer is buffer of file in open mode or a generic stream...
$fingerPrint = openssl_digest ($fileBuffer , "sha512");

$method parameter is one of hash_algos() array;

<? echo"<PRE>";
echo "</PRE>"


array(42) {
string(3) "md2"
string(3) "md4"
string(3) "md5"
string(4) "sha1"
string(6) "sha224"
string(6) "sha256"
string(6) "sha384"
string(6) "sha512"
string(9) "ripemd128"
string(9) "ripemd160"
string(9) "ripemd256"
string(9) "ripemd320"
string(9) "whirlpool"
string(10) "tiger128,3"
string(10) "tiger160,3"
string(10) "tiger192,3"
string(10) "tiger128,4"
string(10) "tiger160,4"
string(10) "tiger192,4"
string(6) "snefru"
string(9) "snefru256"
string(4) "gost"
string(7) "adler32"
string(5) "crc32"
string(6) "crc32b"
string(7) "salsa10"
string(7) "salsa20"
string(10) "haval128,3"
string(10) "haval160,3"
string(10) "haval192,3"
string(10) "haval224,3"
string(10) "haval256,3"
string(10) "haval128,4"
string(10) "haval160,4"
string(10) "haval192,4"
string(10) "haval224,4"
string(10) "haval256,4"
string(10) "haval128,5"
string(10) "haval160,5"
string(10) "haval192,5"
string(10) "haval224,5"
string(10) "haval256,5"
10 years ago
Hmm.. really @mwgamera? openssl_get_cipher_methods() returns cipher methods but openssl_digest() expects a digest method in the second parameter. However even the docu on this page links to the openssl_get_cipher_methods() method in the "See also" section (however this can be a coincidence). Shouldn't it be a digest method from openssl_get_md_methods() instead openssl_get_cipher_methods()?

I'm not very experienced in cryptography but I don't really understand why you would pass a cipher method to a hash function instead of a digest method.
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