PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

setrawcookieEnviar una cookie sin codificar su valor


    string $name,
    string $value = ?,
    int $expires = 0,
    string $path = ?,
    string $domain = ?,
    bool $secure = false,
    bool $httponly = false
): bool
setrawcookie(string $name, string $value = ?, array $options = []): bool

setrawcookie() es exactamente el mismo que setcookie() excepto que el valor de la cookie no será automáticamente codificado cuando se envía al navegador.


Para información sobre los parámetros, consulte la función setcookie().

Valores devueltos

Devuelve true en caso de éxito o false en caso de error.

Historial de cambios

Versión Descripción
7.3.0 Una alternativa que soporta un array options ha sido añadida. Esta alternativa soporta también la configuración del atributo de la cookie de SameSite.
5.5.0 Ahora se incluye un atributo Max-Age en la cabecera Set-Cookie enviada al cliente.
5.2.0 Se añadió el parámetro httponly.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

18 years ago
Firefox is following the real spec and does not decode '+' to fact it further encodes them to '%2B' to store the cookie. If you read a cookie using javascript and unescape it, all your spaces will be turned to '+'.
To fix this problem, use setrawcookie and rawurlencode:

('cookie_name', rawurlencode($value), time()+60*60*24*365);

The only change is that spaces will be encoded to '%20' instead of '+' and will now decode properly.
subs at voracity dot org
18 years ago
setrawcookie() isn't entirely 'raw'. It will check the value for invalid characters, and then disallow the cookie if there are any. These are the invalid characters to keep in mind: ',;<space>\t\r\n\013\014'.

Note that comma, space and tab are three of the invalid characters. IE, Firefox and Opera work fine with these characters, and PHP reads cookies containing them fine as well. However, if you want to use these characters in cookies that you set from php, you need to use header().
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