PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

xmlrpc_set_typeDéfinit le type xmlrpc, base64 ou datetime, d'une valeur PHP


xmlrpc_set_type(string &$value, string $type): bool

xmlrpc_set_type() définit le type XMLRPC, base64 ou datetime, pour une chaîne PHP.


Cette fonction est EXPERIMENTALE. Le comportement de cette fonction, son nom, et toute la documentation autour de cette fonction peut changer sans préavis dans une prochaine version de PHP. Cette fonction doit être utilisée à vos risques et périls.

Liste de paramètres


Valeur dont on veut modifier le type


base64 ou datetime

Valeurs de retour

Cette fonction retourne true en cas de succès ou false si une erreur survient. En cas de réussite, value sera converti en objet.

Erreurs / Exceptions

Émet une alerte de type E_WARNING lorsque le type n'est pas supporté par XMLRPC.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec xmlrpc_set_type()


= date("Ymd\TH:i:s", time());
xmlrpc_set_type($params, 'datetime');


Résultat de l'exemple ci-dessus est similaire à :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

shem((at))etkDOTca [aka.Przemyslaw Szot]
19 years ago
Once you use the xmlrpc_set_type function, the data is encoded into a PHP object. In your XMLRPC server, in order to access the data you must be able to access the necessary part of the object.

So.. to expend on the example above:

<---------- CLIENT ---------->
$string = "My logging event.";
$date = "20030115T12:22:37"; // Must be this format
$binary = fread($fp, 128);
xmlrpc_set_type(&$date, "datetime");
xmlrpc_set_type(&$binary, "base64");
$xmlrpcReq = xmlrpc_encode_request("", array($string, $date, $binary));

In order to retrieve the binary file data you would need to get the scalar portion of the object:

<---------- SERVER ------------>


// Then you can proceed to write the binary
kelly at seankelly dot biz
21 years ago
The problem is that PHP has a string type which is also used to hold binary data and dates. But XML-RPC defines three separate types for strings, binary data, and dates. How do you tell how you want strings encoded? That's where this function comes in.

Suppose the XML-RPC method "" took a string, a date, and a binary object. To tell XML-RPC that the date (which is a PHP string) is a really a date and that the binary data (which is also a PHP string) is really binary data, try:

$string = "My logging event.";
$date = "20030115T12:22:37"; // Must be this format
$binary = fread($fp, 128);
xmlrpc_set_type(&$date, "datetime");
xmlrpc_set_type(&$binary, "base64");
$xmlrpcReq = xmlrpc_encode_request("", array($string, $date, $binary));

Note the reference passing in the calls to xmlrpc_set_type; that enables the function to change the values from strings into what xmlrpc_encode/_request expects (which are objects that include a bonus field that tells the desired XML-RPC type).
bmatheny at mobocracy dot net
18 years ago
The following code segfaults some older (pre 5.1.2) versions of PHP:

$foo = date('c', time());
xmlrpc_set_type($foo, 'datetime');

Please upgrade before reporting as a bug.
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