PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)

mysql_infoGet information about the most recent query


Questa enstensione deprecata da PHP 5.5.0, e sarà rimossa in futuro. Al suo posto, usare l'estensione MySQLi o PDO_MySQL. Vedere anche la guida MySQL: scelta dell'API e le FAQ relative per ulteriori informazioni. Le alternative a questa funzione includono:


mysql_info(resource $link_identifier = NULL): string

Returns detailed information about the last query.

Elenco dei parametri


La connessione MySQL. Se l'identificativo di connessione non è specificato, l'ultima connessione aperta da mysql_connect() viene assunta. Se questa connessione non è trovata, si cercherà di crearne una come se mysql_connect() fosse stata chiamata senza argomenti. Se una connessione non è trovata oppure non viene stabilita, un avviso di livello E_WARNING viene generato.

Valori restituiti

Returns information about the statement on success, or false on failure. See the example below for which statements provide information, and what the returned value may look like. Statements that are not listed will return false.


Example #1 Relevant MySQL Statements

Statements that return string values. The numbers are only for illustrating purpose; their values will correspond to the query.

String format: Records: 23 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 
INSERT INTO ... VALUES (...),(...),(...)...
String format: Records: 37 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 
String format: Records: 42 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0 
String format: Records: 60 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 
String format: Rows matched: 65 Changed: 65 Warnings: 0



mysql_info() returns a non-false value for the INSERT ... VALUES statement only if multiple value lists are specified in the statement.

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

info at granville dot nl
18 years ago
Imade a quick conversion of eric's function just to count matched or affected rows from a query.

/**GD gdf_db_count_query_v1: returns the amount of rows matched or affected by the last query. Must be used immediately after the concerned query.

function gdf_db_count_query($link = 'dbh') {

$info_str = mysql_info($$link);

if (ereg("Records: ([0-9]*)", $info_str, $count) == false) {
ereg("Rows matched: ([0-9]*)", $info_str, $count);

return $count;

eric at projectsatellite dot com
21 years ago
I agree that this is a useful function to use when trying to check on whether an update query matched a particular row. I created a simple function that returns an associative array with the values delineated in the returned string.

function get_mysql_info($linkid = null){
$linkid? $strInfo = mysql_info($linkid) : $strInfo = mysql_info();

$return = array();
ereg("Records: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $records);
ereg("Duplicates: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $dupes);
ereg("Warnings: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $warnings);
ereg("Deleted: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $deleted);
ereg("Skipped: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $skipped);
ereg("Rows matched: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $rows_matched);
ereg("Changed: ([0-9]*)", $strInfo, $changed);

$return['records'] = $records[1];
$return['duplicates'] = $dupes[1];
$return['warnings'] = $warnings[1];
$return['deleted'] = $deleted[1];
$return['skipped'] = $skipped[1];
$return['rows_matched'] = $rows_matched[1];
$return['changed'] = $changed[1];

return $return;

After trying to update a row that may or may not exist, you can use the above function like so:

$vals = get_mysql_info($linkid);
if($vals['rows_matched'] == 0){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table values('val1','val2', 'valetc')", $linkid);
tomas at matfyz dot cz
15 years ago
Please note that the information on warning count cannot be taken from the mysql_info() due to mysql bugs #41283 and #41285:
bdobrica at gmail dot com
18 years ago
As a solution to the problem pointed in the post reffering to mysql_affected_rows() returning 0 when you are making an update query and the fields are not modified although the query is valid, i'm posting the following function. It is very simple and based on a previous post.

function mysql_modified_rows () {
$info_str = mysql_info();
$a_rows = mysql_affected_rows();
ereg("Rows matched: ([0-9]*)", $info_str, $r_matched);
return ($a_rows < 1)?($r_matched[1]?$r_matched[1]:0):$a_rows;

Hope you'll find it usefull.
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