API Platform Conference 2025


(mongodb >=1.3.0)

MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSONReturns the Relaxed Extended JSON representation of a BSON value


This function has been DEPRECATED as of extension version 1.20.0 and will be removed in 2.0. Applications should use MongoDB\BSON\Document::toRelaxedExtendedJSON() instead.


MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON(string $bson): string

Converts a BSON string to its » Relaxed Extended JSON representation. The relaxed format prefers use of JSON type primitives at the expense of type fidelity and is most suited for producing output that can be easily consumed by web APIs and humans.


bson (string)

BSON value to be converted.


The converted JSON value.

エラー / 例外

例1 MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON() example


= [
'null' => null ],
'boolean' => true ],
'string' => 'foo' ],
'int32' => 123 ],
'int64' => 4294967295 ],
'double' => 1.0, ],
'nan' => NAN ],
'pos_inf' => INF ],
'neg_inf' => -INF ],
'array' => [ 'foo', 'bar' ]],
'document' => [ 'foo' => 'bar' ]],
'oid' => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId('56315a7c6118fd1b920270b1') ],
'dec128' => new MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128('1234.5678') ],
'binary' => new MongoDB\BSON\Binary('foo', MongoDB\BSON\Binary::TYPE_GENERIC) ],
'date' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime(1445990400000) ],
'timestamp' => new MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp(1234, 5678) ],
'regex' => new MongoDB\BSON\Regex('pattern', 'i') ],
'code' => new MongoDB\BSON\Javascript('function() { return 1; }') ],
'code_ws' => new MongoDB\BSON\Javascript('function() { return a; }', ['a' => 1]) ],
'minkey' => new MongoDB\BSON\MinKey ],
'maxkey' => new MongoDB\BSON\MaxKey ],

foreach (
$documents as $document) {
$bson = MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP($document);
MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON($bson), "\n";



{ "null" : null }
{ "boolean" : true }
{ "string" : "foo" }
{ "int32" : 123 }
{ "int64" : 4294967295 }
{ "double" : 1.0 }
{ "nan" : { "$numberDouble" : "NaN" } }
{ "pos_inf" : { "$numberDouble" : "Infinity" } }
{ "neg_inf" : { "$numberDouble" : "-Infinity" } }
{ "array" : [ "foo", "bar" ] }
{ "document" : { "foo" : "bar" } }
{ "oid" : { "$oid" : "56315a7c6118fd1b920270b1" } }
{ "dec128" : { "$numberDecimal" : "1234.5678" } }
{ "binary" : { "$binary" : { "base64": "Zm9v", "subType" : "00" } } }
{ "date" : { "$date" : "2015-10-28T00:00:00Z" } }
{ "timestamp" : { "$timestamp" : { "t" : 5678, "i" : 1234 } } }
{ "regex" : { "$regularExpression" : { "pattern" : "pattern", "options" : "i" } } }
{ "code" : { "$code" : "function() { return 1; }" } }
{ "code_ws" : { "$code" : "function() { return a; }", "$scope" : { "a" : 1 } } }
{ "minkey" : { "$minKey" : 1 } }
{ "maxkey" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } }


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