PHP 8.3.16 Released!


(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL phar >= 2.0.0)

PharData::addFromStringAdd a file from a string to the tar/zip archive


public PharData::addFromString(string $localName, string $contents): void

With this method, any string can be added to the tar/zip archive. The file will be stored in the archive with localname as its path. This method is similar to ZipArchive::addFromString().



Path that the file will be stored in the archive.


The file contents to store

Return Values

no return value, exception is thrown on failure.


Example #1 A PharData::addFromString() example

try {
$a = new PharData('/path/to/my.tar');

$a->addFromString('path/to/file.txt', 'my simple file');
$b = $a['path/to/file.txt']->getContent();

// to add contents from a stream handle for large files, use offsetSet()
$c = fopen('/path/to/hugefile.bin');
$a['largefile.bin'] = $c;
} catch (
Exception $e) {
// handle errors here


Note: PharData::addFile(), PharData::addFromString() and PharData::offsetSet() save a new phar archive each time they are called. If performance is a concern, PharData::buildFromDirectory() or PharData::buildFromIterator() should be used instead.

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