PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


Se puede encontrar información para la instalación de esta extensión PECL en el capítulo del manual titulado Instalación de extensiones PECL. Se puede encontrar información adicional, tal como nuevos lanzamientos, descargas, ficheros fuente, información de mantenimiento, y un CHANGELOG, aquí: »

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User Contributed Notes 10 notes

Mahbub Kabir
10 years ago
I tried followings on Debian Squeeze and it worked fine

apt-get install libgpgme11-dev
pecl install gnupg

create a new file under conf.d folder and add following lines

; configuration for gnupg module

Reload apache configuration
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Check PHP Info and you should see gnupg

Hope this helps.
Dominik Sommer
11 years ago
For Ubuntu 12.04, these are the steps:
1. Install packages: gnupg libgpg-error-dev libassuan-dev
2. Download GPGME library from ​
3. Extract, then run
make && sudo make install
4. Install PECL extension
sudo pecl install gnupg
5. Add to php.ini
1 year ago
To install on laravel sail:
sail publish
Add to your Dockerfile:
&& apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y \
apt-get install -y gcc-multilib libc-dev bzip2 libgpg-error-dev libassuan-dev \
apt-get install -y build-essential \
curl -sSn -o gnupg.tar.bz2 $GNUPG_URL \
mkdir gnupg \
tar -xf gnupg.tar.bz2 --directory gnupg \
&& (
cd gnupg/gpgme-* && ./configure) \
&& (
cd gnupg/gpgme-* && make && make install) \
pecl install gnupg
Add to your php.ini under [php]
sail build
Check you can see gnupg under modules when you run:
sail php
cam dot metzke at gmail dot com
10 years ago
For the folks in Debian Wheezy who are having a bit of trouble
heres a link to to a .deb file ( I use it ) for amd64 users

Anyway I built it for the community, hope it helps :)
mk at wintermute dot at
15 years ago
Quick installation guide on Fedora 10:

- c++ compiler
- php-pear
- gnupg
- libgpg-error
- gpgme
- gpgme-devel
- php-devel

Install with:
$ pecl install gnupg

Add an entry to /etc/php.ini:

Restart Apache > you're done.
Mr T
2 years ago
On Ubuntu 20, this is provided via `php-gnupg` (or with a specific version `php8.1-gnupg`)

To install:

`apt install php-gnupg`
frozenfire at php dot net
12 years ago
Here are instructions for how to resolve the issue where you encounter this error:

/usr/include/gpgme.h:80:2: error: #error GPGME was compiled with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS = 64, please see the section "Largefile support (LFS)" in the GPGME manual.

This is a result of the gnupg extension currently lacking largefile support. The solution is fairly simple.

pecl download gnupg
tar -zxf gnupg-1.3.2.tgz
cd gnupg-1.3.2

Open the file config.m4 in an editor, and add "AC_SYS_LARGEFILE" to a new line at the very end of the file, then save.

make install

Now simply add to your php.ini, and the extension should work.
Jane Doe
11 years ago
Hi -

By default on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS gnupg needs to write to .gnupg in the home directory of the user running PHP (so for a web site this is www-data). You might need to make a ~/.gnupg for www-data and chown/chmod it correctly or everything will fail.
14 years ago
On Debian 5.05 (Lenny) I needed to install libgpgme11-dev
sma dot azar at gmail dot com
15 years ago
After spending so much time I could only install it on Linux and not Windows. There is very little instructions on the net about installation of this module, so I am going to write a small instructions that should help a straightforward installation on Linux without so much trouble.

Step 1: you will need a C++ compiler on your machine. For being sure try this command in the terminal:
sudo apt
-get install g++
Obviously you need GnuPG itself, so try:
sudo apt
-get install gnupg
Step 2: you will need "Libgpg-Error" downloaded and installed on your machine.
2-1: Download the code from
2-2: Extract it to a directory. In the terminal, change the directory to the Libgpg-error directory.
2-3: Configure the package for building and installation with below command:
2-4: In the same directory make it with below command:
sudo make
2-5: In the same directory install it with below command:
sudo make install

Step 3: you will need "GnuPG Made Easy" (GPGME) downloaded and installed on your machine. Some sources will tell you that you can "apt-get install" it, but actually you cannot. So do it like the latter:
3-1: Download the source code from
3-2: Extract it to a directory. In the terminal, change the directory to the GPGME directory.
3-3: Configure the package for building and installation with below command:
3-4: In the same directory make it with below command:
sudo make
3-5: In the same directory install it with below command:
sudo make install

Step 4: Given that you have a LAMP server already and have php installed, you will need "pear" and "php source codes". To add them use below commands:
sudo apt
-get install php5-dev
sudo apt
-get install php-pear

Step 5: Now you can install GNU Privacy Guard for php using PECL command:
sudo pecl install gnupg
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