Liste der php.ini-Abschnitte

Diese Liste beinhaltet die php.ini Abschnitte die Sie für die Konfiguration auf Basis des Host- oder Pfadnames nutzen können. Diese Abschnitte sind optional.

Die Abschnitte selbst beeinflussen PHP nicht direkt. Sie werden genutzt um andere php.ini Direktiven zu gruppieren und sie für einen bestimmten Host- oder Pfadnamen anzuwenden.

Diese Abschnitte werden nur benutzt, wenn PHP über CGI/FastCGI operiert, und können extension und zend_extension nicht setzen.

Name Veränderbar Changelog

Hier eine kurze Erklärung der Konfigurationsoptionen:


Dieser Abschnitt gestattet die Definition einer Gruppe von php.ini Direktiven die für einen bestimmten Host Anwendung finden sollen.

Beispiel #1 Aktiviere volle Fehlerausgaben im Browser für die dev. Domain

error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On


Dieser Abschnitt gestattet die Definition einer Gruppe von php.ini Direktiven die für einen bestimmten Pfad Anwendung finden sollen.

Beispiel #2 Binde für ein zu sicherndes Verzeichnis ein Sicherheitsscript hinzu


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User Contributed Notes 8 notes

public at grik dot net
15 years ago
In [HOST=...] one should use only the 1st server name from the list of server names.

I.E. if you have
and will use in a browser,
use [] in php.ini for both addresses.

PHP looks not at the HOST request header (as I expected), but at the SERVER_NAME parameter (which by default is the 1st from the list of names, no matter what the HOST is).
robinhook at mail dot com
6 years ago
this HOST and PATH sections doesn't seems to work in php.ini under apache 2.4 with php-fpm 7.1.16 for directive php_value or php_admin_value open_basedir or include_path.
phpinfo() says "none" in master and local values.
robinhook at mail dot com
6 years ago
Sorry for the note. I've read some bad tutorials.
The correct syntax is : directive = 'value'
not a thing like : php_value[directive] = "somevalue"
crash at lubyte dot de
14 years ago
If you have a system which uses separated PHP inis for loading extensions (Debian, Fedora and most other distributions do so), [PATH=] or [HOST=] will prevent loading extensions defined in those ini files (extension= and zend_extension=).

I had some headache, when I added a hosts.ini to /etc/php5/cgi/conf.d (Debians default), where I wanted to define some defaults for a host name. The manual says extension= and zend_extension= aren't allowed in [HOST=] and [PATH=] (see above). I figured out that you can easily fix that with adding [PHP] after your definitions.

For example hosts.ini:
display_errors = on


this will change the section back to [PHP] where extension= and zend_extension= is allowed.
13 years ago
Just developed the probably first php.ini hack to add commands which will only be parsed before PHP 5.3 when using mod_php.


# Disable eAccelerator by default
eaccelerator.enable = 0

# Now, to prevent incompatibilities with Zend Optimizer+, we
# want to enable eAccelerator only in PHP 5.2 or lower.
eaccelerator.enable = 1


What is happening here? In PHP 5.3, php.ini sections to set up PHP on a per host basis have been introduced:

These sections only work in CGI/FastCGI mode, however there still seems to be a difference in how the php.ini file is parsed in PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 when using mod_php: PHP 5.3 ignores everything below the line [HOST=*], whereas PHP 5.2 does not.

In the above example, PHP 5.3 only reads "eaccelerator.enable = 0" and then stops at the invalid command [HOST=*]. However, PHP 5.2 seems to ignore the invalid command and parses the whole configuration file, ending up with "eaccelerator.enable = 1".
dasloch at absatzen dot de
4 years ago
Note that you cannot usefully set syslog.* in [PATH=] (and probably [HOST=]) sections, since the syslogger is initialized only once per php-fpm worker process, and not per request.
z dot himdi at bita dot nl
13 years ago
On Windows IIS 7 server I noticed that [PATH=] was not listened to. [HOST=] however worked.
robert dot johnson at icap dot com
14 years ago
Adding PATH= applies only to the named path and does not include sub-directories, you have to add a PATH= value for each sub-directory.

Also some settings have no effect even though phpinfo recognises and displays the per-folder value as the 'local' value, and the default as the 'master' value.

'fastcgi.impersonate' always uses the master setting.
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