PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PECL win32service >=0.1.0)

win32_get_last_control_messageReturns the last control message that was sent to this service


win32_get_last_control_message(): int

Returns the control code that was last sent to this service process. When running as a service you should periodically check this to determine if your service needs to stop running.


Since version 0.2.0, this function work only in "cli" SAPI. On other SAPI this function is disabled.


Esta función no tiene parámetros.


Prior to version 1.0.0, if the SAPI is not "cli", this function emits an E_ERROR level error.

As of version 1.0.0, will throw a Win32ServiceException if SAPI is not "cli"

Historial de cambios

Versión Descripción
PECL win32service 1.0.0 Throws a ValueError on invalid data in parameters, previously false was returned.
PECL win32service 1.0.0 Throws a Win32ServiceException on error, previously a Win32 Error Code was returned.
PECL win32service 0.2.0 This function works only in the "cli" SAPI.

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