PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PECL win32service >=0.1.0)

win32_delete_serviceDeletes a service entry from the SCM database


win32_delete_service(string $servicename, string $machine = null): void

Attempts to delete a service from the SCM database. Administrative privileges are required for this to succeed.

This function really just marks the service for deletion. If other processes (such as the Services Applet) are open, then the deletion will be deferred until those applications are closed. If a service is marked for deletion, further attempts to delete it will fail, and attempts to create a new service with that name will also fail.



The short name of the service.


The optional machine name. If omitted, the local machine will be used.

Valores devueltos

No devuelve ningún valor.

Prior to version 1.0.0, Devuelve WIN32_NO_ERROR en caso de éxito, false si hay un problema con los parámetros o Código de error Win32 en caso de error.


A ValueError is thrown if the value of servicename parameter is empty.

A Win32ServiceException is thrown on error.

Historial de cambios

Versión Descripción
PECL win32service 1.0.0 Throws a ValueError on invalid data in parameters, previously false was returned.
PECL win32service 1.0.0 Throws a Win32ServiceException on error, previously a Win32 Error Code was returned.
PECL win32service 1.0.0 The return type is now void, previously it was mixed.


Ejemplo #1 A win32_delete_service() example

Deletes the dummyphp service.


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