

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mysqli_stmt::execute -- mysqli_stmt_executeEjecuta una consulta preparada


Estilo orientado a objetos

mysqli_stmt::execute(): bool

Estilo por procedimientos

mysqli_stmt_execute(mysqli_stmt $stmt): bool

Ejecuta una consulta que ha sido previamente preparada usando la función mysqli_prepare(). Cuando se ejecutó cualquier marcador de parámetro que existe, será automáticamente reemplazado con los datos apropiados.

Si la sentencia es UPDATE, DELETE, o INSERT, se puede determinar el número total de filas afectadas usando le función mysqli_stmt_affected_rows(). Asimismo, si la consulta produce un conjunto de resultados se usa la función mysqli_stmt_fetch().


Al usar mysqli_stmt_execute(), se debe usar la función mysqli_stmt_fetch() para obtener los datos antes de realizar cualquier consulta adicional.



Sólo estilo por procediminetos: Un identificador de declaraciones devuelto por mysqli_stmt_init().

Valores devueltos

Devuelve true en caso de éxito o false en caso de error.


Ejemplo #1 Estilo orientado a objetos

= new mysqli("localhost", "mi_usuario", "mi_contraseña", "world");

/* comprobar la conexión */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Falló la conexión: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE myCity LIKE City");

/* Preparar una sentencia INSERT */
$consulta = "INSERT INTO myCity (Name, CountryCode, District) VALUES (?,?,?)";
$sentencia = $mysqli->prepare($consulta);

$sentencia->bind_param("sss", $val1, $val2, $val3);

$val1 = 'Stuttgart';
$val2 = 'DEU';
$val3 = 'Baden-Wuerttemberg';

/* Ejecutar la sentencia */

$val1 = 'Bordeaux';
$val2 = 'FRA';
$val3 = 'Aquitaine';

/* Ejecutar la sentencia */

/* cerrar la sentencia */

/* recuperar todas las filas de myCity */
$consulta = "SELECT Name, CountryCode, District FROM myCity";
if (
$resultado = $mysqli->query($consulta)) {
while (
$fila = $resultado->fetch_row()) {
printf("%s (%s,%s)\n", $fila[0], $fila[1], $fila[2]);
/* liberar el conjunto de resultados */

/* eliminar la tabla */
$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE myCity");

/* cerrar la conexión */

Ejemplo #2 Estilo por procedimientos

= mysqli_connect("localhost", "mi_usuario", "mi_contraseña", "world");

/* comprobar la conexión */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Falló la conexión: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

mysqli_query($enlace, "CREATE TABLE myCity LIKE City");

/* Preparar una sentencia INSERT */
$consulta = "INSERT INTO myCity (Name, CountryCode, District) VALUES (?,?,?)";
$sentencia = mysqli_prepare($enlace, $consulta);

mysqli_stmt_bind_param($sentencia, "sss", $val1, $val2, $val3);

$val1 = 'Stuttgart';
$val2 = 'DEU';
$val3 = 'Baden-Wuerttemberg';

/* Ejecutar la sentencia */

$val1 = 'Bordeaux';
$val2 = 'FRA';
$val3 = 'Aquitaine';

/* Ejecutar la sentencia */

/* cerrar la sentencia */

/* recuperar todas las filas de myCity */
$consulta = "SELECT Name, CountryCode, District FROM myCity";
if (
$resultado = mysqli_query($enlace, $consulta)) {
while (
$fila = mysqli_fetch_row($resultado)) {
printf("%s (%s,%s)\n", $fila[0], $fila[1], $fila[2]);
/* liberar el conjunto de resultados */

/* eliminar la tabla */
mysqli_query($enlace, "DROP TABLE myCity");

/* cerrar la conexión */

El resultado de los ejemplos sería:

Stuttgart (DEU,Baden-Wuerttemberg)
Bordeaux (FRA,Aquitaine)

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

Typer85 at gmail dot com
18 years ago
Just to clarify this note in the Manual regarding this function:

"Note: When using mysqli_stmt_execute(), the mysqli_stmt_fetch() function must be used to fetch the data prior to performing any additional queries."

This is because this function DOES NOT store the result set on the client side so you have to fetch everything in the result set or else you risk major errors.

If you however use the function mysqli_stmt_store_result immediately after you use this function, you are forcing the result set to be stored on the client side and thus it is safe to issue extra queries before fetching all the data.

This is where you really have to make a choice regarding on your application's priorities. If you know your result set is memory hefty, then its a good idea not to store it on the client side so you don't run in any errors regarding unavailable memory on the server. But this also means your not going to do a lot of calculations on the result set or else you will prevent any other usage of the table to which the result set came from until you fetched it all.

If your going to do a lot of calculations or your result set is not memory hefty, its probably a good idea to store it on the client side.

Most of these problems can easily be solved if you have a lot of memory available on your server but thats usually not the case for those on shared hosting.

An intelligent way to counter this problem if your on a shared host is to be smart in the way you design your queries. Try to limit the result set if you know you will be fetching memory hefty result sets.

Test different alternatives for your application and see what works best for you under different conditions.

Good Luck,
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