PHP 8.3.17 Released!

La classe Spoofchecker

(PHP 5 >= 5.4.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL intl >= 2.0.0)


Cette classe est fournie car Unicode contient un grand nombre de caractères et incorpore les systèmes d'écriture variés du monde et leur utilisation incorrecte peut exposer des programmes ou des systèmes à d'éventuelles attaques de sécurité en utilisant la similarité des caractères.

Les méthodes fournies permettent de vérifier si une chaîne individuelle est susceptible d'être une tentative à tromper le lecteur (détection de tromperie), tel que dans "pаypаl" orthographié avec un caractère 'а' cyrillique.

Synopsis de la classe

class Spoofchecker {
/* Constantes */
public const int ANY_CASE;
public const int SINGLE_SCRIPT;
public const int INVISIBLE;
public const int CHAR_LIMIT;
public const int ASCII;
public const int HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE;
public const int UNRESTRICTIVE;
public const int MIXED_NUMBERS;
public const int HIDDEN_OVERLAY;
/* Méthodes */
public __construct()
public areConfusable(string $string1, string $string2, int &$errorCode = null): bool
public isSuspicious(string $string, int &$errorCode = null): bool
public setAllowedLocales(string $locales): void
public setChecks(int $checks): void
public setRestrictionLevel(int $level): void


Version Description
8.4.0 Les constantes de classe sont maintenant typées.
7.3.0 Les constantes de classe utilisé par Spoofchecker::setRestrictionLevel() tel que Spoofchecker::ASCII, Spoofchecker::HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE, Spoofchecker::MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE, Spoofchecker::MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE, Spoofchecker::UNRESTRICTIVE, Spoofchecker::SINGLE_SCRIPT_RESTRICTIVE ont été ajoutées.


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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

7 years ago
From :
SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE: indicates that the two strings are visually confusable and that they are from the same script
MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE: indicates that the two strings are visually confusable and that they are NOT from the same script
WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE: indicates that the two strings are visually confusable and that they are NOT from the same script BUT both of them are single-script strings
ANY_CASE: Deprecated.
SINGLE_SCRIPT: Deprecated.
INVISIBLE: Check an identifier for the presence of invisible characters, such as zero-width spaces, or character sequences that are likely not to display, such as multiple occurrences of the same non-spacing mark.
CHAR_LIMIT: Check that an identifier contains only characters from a specified set of acceptable characters.

Explanation of whole script, mixed script and single script confusables in UTS 39 section 4 :

Details from Java SpoofChecker class at
6 years ago
Spoofchecker yields false positives by defaut when Whole-Script Confusables (WSC) and Mixed-Script Confusables (MSC) checks are used.
They have been deprecated since ICU 58:

Workarounds: upgrade ICU to 58+, or avoid the MSC and WSC checks with Spoofcheckers' setChecks() function.
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