
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

proc_terminate Termine un processus ouvert par proc_open()


proc_terminate(resource $process, int $signal = 15): bool

proc_terminate() envoie un signal au processus process (créé avec proc_open()) pour lui indiquer qu'il doit se terminer. proc_terminate() se termine immédiatement après, et n'attend pas l'arrêt réel du processus.

proc_terminate() vous permet de conclure un processus, et de continuer les autres tâches. Vous pouvez tester la présence de votre processus en utilisant la fonction proc_get_status().

Liste de paramètres


La ressource proc_open() qui sera fermée.


Ce paramètre optionnel n'est utile que sur les plates-formes POSIX : vous pouvez alors spécifier un signal à envoyer au processus, en utilisant l'appel système kill(2). La valeur par défaut est alors SIGTERM.

Valeurs de retour

Retourne le code de sortie du processus.

Voir aussi

  • proc_open() - Exécute une commande et ouvre les pointeurs de fichiers pour les entrées / sorties
  • proc_close() - Ferme un processus ouvert par proc_open
  • proc_get_status() - Lit les informations concernant un processus ouvert par proc_open

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

csh dot spam at me dot com
10 years ago
/bin/sh -c CMD will fork sh and then exec CMD.
/bin/sh -c exec CMD will NOT fork and only executes CMD.

Therefore, you can get rid of this hack by prefixing your command to "exec bla bla bla".
jerhee at ucsd dot edu
16 years ago
As explained in, proc_terminate() leaves children of the child process running. In my application, these children often have infinite loops, so I need a sure way to kill processes created with proc_open(). When I call proc_terminate(), the /bin/sh process is killed, but the child with the infinite loop is left running.

Until proc_terminate() gets fixed, I would not recommend using it. Instead, my solution is to:
1) call proc_get_status() to get the parent pid (ppid) of the process I want to kill.
2) use ps to get all pids that have that ppid as their parent pid
3) use posix_kill() to send the SIGKILL (9) signal to each of those child pids
4) call proc_close() on process resource

= array(
0 => array('pipe', 'r'), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
1 => array('pipe', 'w'), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
2 => array('pipe', 'w') // stderr is a pipe the child will write to
$process = proc_open('bad_program', $descriptorspec, $pipes);
is_resource($process)) {
throw new
Exception('bad_program could not be started.');
//pass some input to the program
fwrite($pipes[0], $lots_of_data);
//close stdin. By closing stdin, the program should exit
//after it finishes processing the input

//do some other stuff ... the process will probably still be running
//if we check on it right away

$status = proc_get_status($process);
$status['running'] == true) { //process ran too long, kill it
//close all pipes that are still open
fclose($pipes[1]); //stdout
fclose($pipes[2]); //stderr
//get the parent pid of the process we want to kill
$ppid = $status['pid'];
//use ps to get all the children of this process, and kill them
$pids = preg_split('/\s+/', `ps -o pid --no-heading --ppid $ppid`);
$pids as $pid) {
is_numeric($pid)) {
"Killing $pid\n";
posix_kill($pid, 9); //9 is the SIGKILL signal


v dot denegin at yahoo dot com
10 years ago
on Windows platform proc_terminate() does not kill sub-processes that are not handling kill signals. It happens even if you call xxx.exe and call proc_terminate() the process will remain active.

The solution is instead of calling proc_terminate() is to call the user-defined kill() function (already win/unix optimized)
After that need to close all pipes and execute proc_close().

function kill($pid){
return stripos(php_uname('s'), 'win')>-1 ? exec("taskkill /F /T /PID $pid") : exec("kill -9 $pid");

function killall($pids) {
$os=stripos(php_uname('s'), 'win')>-1;
($_=implode($os?' /PID ':' ',$pids)) or ($_=$pids);
return preg_match('/success|close/', $os ? exec("taskkill /F /T /PID $_") : exec("kill -9 $_"));


$pstatus = proc_get_status($resource);
$PID = $pstatus['pid'];

// other commands

kill($PID); // instead of proc_terminate($resource);
smcbride at msn dot com
3 years ago
Just a small note so people don't have to look elsewhere

To get the list of processes or find a process by name, use
$proclist = shell_exec('ps -elF') for linux
$proclist = shell_exec('tasklist') for windows

After that, you can use php normal parsing functions to get the pid
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