Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(No version information available, might only be in Git)

OAuth::getRequestHeaderGénère une signature d'en-tête OAuth


public OAuth::getRequestHeader(string $http_method, string $url, mixed $extra_parameters = ?): string|false

Génère une signature d'en-tête OAuth basée sur la méthode HTTP finale, ainsi que sur l'URL et ses paramètres.

Liste de paramètres


Méthode HTTP pour la demande.


URL de la demande.


Paramètres additionnels (chaîne de caractères ou tableau).

Valeurs de retour

Une chaîne de caractères contenant l'en-tête généré de la demande ou false si une erreur survient

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

me at chrishowie dot com
7 years ago
The documentation does not specify the difference between passing a string and passing an array for the third parameter. We spent two days debugging before reading the C source code to figure out that there is a significant and undocumented difference between the two.

"a=1" and array("a" => 1) are handled very differently!

If you are making a POST/PUT request (or anything with an entity body) then you should pass that as a string.

If you are making a request with a query string, you should pass that as an associative array.

If you pass "a=1" intending that to specify the query string, the generated signature will be invalid -- it will process this as if you were POSTing the content "a=1" instead.
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