PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PECL event >= 1.5.0)

EventBuffer::searchEolScans the buffer for an occurrence of an end of line


public EventBuffer::searchEol( int $start = -1 , int $eol_style = EventBuffer::EOL_ANY ): mixed

Scans the buffer for an occurrence of an end of line specified by eol_style parameter . It returns numeric position of the string, or false if the string was not found.

If the start argument is provided, it represents the position at which the search should begin; otherwise, the search is performed from the start of the string. If end argument provided, the search is performed between start and end buffer positions.



Start search position.


One of EventBuffer:EOL_* constants .

Valor Retornado

Returns numeric position of the first occurrence of end-of-line symbol in the buffer, or false if not found.


Esta função pode retornar o valor booleano false, mas também pode retornar um valor não booleano que pode ser avaliado como false. Leia a seção sobre Booleanos para mais informações. Use o operador === para testar o valor retornado por esta função.

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