PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

getmyuidObtém o UID do proprietário do script PHP


getmyuid(): int|false

Obtém o ID do usuário do script atual.


Esta função não possui parâmetros.

Valor Retornado

Retorna o ID do usuário do script atual, ou false em caso de erro.

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Notas Enviadas por Usuários (em inglês) 2 notes

bozo_z_clown at yahoo dot com
17 years ago
Note that this function really does what the description says, it returns the numeric user id of the user who *owns the file* containing the current script not the effective user id of user *running* the current script. Most applications will want the latter which is provided by posix_getuid().
divinity76+spam at gmail dot com
3 years ago
warning, at least 7.4-8.1 returns the owner of the initial entrypoint file rather the currently executing file,
meaning, if you have a.php owned by 1 containing
<?php var_dump(getmyuid());require_once("b.php"); ?>
and b.php owned by 2 containing
<?php var_dump(getmyuid());require_once("a.php"); ?>
running "php a.php" will get you int(1) int(1), and running "php b.php" will get you int(2) int(2), you won't get "int(1) int(2)"
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