Funções da PCRE


  • preg_filter — Executa pesquisa e substituição usando expressões regulares
  • preg_grep — Retorna entradas de array que correspondem à expressão regular
  • preg_last_error — Retorna o código de erro da última expressão regular PCRE executada
  • preg_last_error_msg — Retorna a mensagem de erro da última execução de expressão regular PCRE
  • preg_match — Realiza uma correspondência com expressão regular
  • preg_match_all — Realiza uma correspondência global de expressão regular
  • preg_quote — Escapa caracteres de expressão regular
  • preg_replace — Realiza uma pesquisa por uma expressão regular e substitui
  • preg_replace_callback — Executa uma busca por expressão regular e substitui usando uma chamada de retorno
  • preg_replace_callback_array — Realiza pesquisa e substituição em expressão regular usando chamadas de retorno
  • preg_split — Divide uma string com base em expressão regular
adicione uma nota

Notas Enviadas por Usuários (em inglês) 3 notes

steve at stevedix dot de
20 years ago
Something to bear in mind is that regex is actually a declarative programming language like prolog : your regex is a set of rules which the regex interpreter tries to match against a string. During this matching, the interpreter will assume certain things, and continue assuming them until it comes up against a failure to match, which then causes it to backtrack. Regex assumes "greedy matching" unless explicitly told not to, which can cause a lot of backtracking. A general rule of thumb is that the more backtracking, the slower the matching process.

It is therefore vital, if you are trying to optimise your program to run quickly (and if you can't do without regex), to optimise your regexes to match quickly.

I recommend the use of a tool such as "The Regex Coach" to debug your regex strings. (Windows installer) (Linux tar archive)
theking2 at king dot ma
11 months ago
Writing regexp can be tedious and error prone. Test yours on to make sure you haven't missed anything . It even colour codes example strings.
stronk7 at moodle dot org
17 years ago
One comment about 5.2.x and the pcre.backtrack_limit:

Note that this setting wasn't present under previous PHP releases and the behaviour (or limit) under those releases was, in practise, higher so all these PCRE functions were able to "capture" longer strings.

With the arrival of the setting, defaulting to 100000 (less than 100K), you won't be able to match/capture strings over that size using, for example "ungreedy" modifiers.

So, in a lot of situations, you'll need to raise that (very small IMO) limit.

The worst part is that PHP simply won't match/capture those strings over pcre.backtrack_limit and will it be 100% silent about that (I think that throwing some NOTICE/WARNING if raised could help a lot to developers).

There is a lot of people suffering this changed behaviour from I've read on forums, bugs and so on).

Hope this note helps, ciao :-)
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