
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ReflectionParameter::allowsNullПроверяет, допустимо ли значение null для параметра


public ReflectionParameter::allowsNull(): bool

Проверяет, допустимо ли значение null для параметра.

Список параметров

У этой функции нет параметров.

Возвращаемые значения

true, если null допускается, false в противном случае.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

Geoffrey LAURENT
11 years ago
The allowsNull method look if arguments have a type.
If a type is defined, null is allowed only if default value is null.

function myfunction ( $param ) {


echo (new
ReflectionFunction("myfunction"))->getParameters()[0]->allowsNull() ? "true":"false";


Result : true

function myfunction ( stdClass $param ) {


echo (new
ReflectionFunction("myfunction"))->getParameters()[0]->allowsNull() ? "true":"false";


Result : false

function myfunction ( stdClass $param = null ) {


echo (new
ReflectionFunction("myfunction"))->getParameters()[0]->allowsNull() ? "true":"false";

Result : true
tuncdan dot ozdemir dot peng at gmail dot com
5 months ago
Please note that `mixed` type parameter also returns true, as `null` is part of the `mixed` union.

And there does not have to be a default `null` value for `->allowsNull()` to return true.

function test (AnyType|null $param1, mixed $param2) {}

Both parameters from the function above will return true for `allowsNull()`.
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