PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PECL luasandbox >= 1.0.0)

LuaSandboxFunction::callCall a Lua function


public LuaSandboxFunction::call(string ...$args): array|bool

Calls a Lua function.

Errors considered to be the fault of the PHP code will result in the function returning false and E_WARNING being raised, for example, a resource type being used as an argument. Lua errors will result in a LuaSandboxRuntimeError exception being thrown.

PHP and Lua types are converted as follows:

  • PHP null is Lua nil, and vice versa.

  • PHP ints and floats are converted to Lua numbers. Infinity and NAN are supported.

  • Lua numbers without a fractional part between approximately -2**53 and 2**53 are converted to PHP ints, with others being converted to PHP floats.

  • PHP bools are Lua booleans, and vice versa.

  • PHP strings are Lua strings, and vice versa.

  • Lua functions are PHP LuaSandboxFunction objects, and vice versa. General PHP callables are not supported.

  • PHP arrays are converted to Lua tables, and vice versa.

    • Note that Lua typically indexes arrays from 1, while PHP indexes arrays from 0. No adjustment is made for these differing conventions.

    • Self-referential arrays are not supported in either direction.

    • PHP references are dereferenced.

    • Lua __pairs and __ipairs are processed. __index is ignored.

    • When converting from PHP to Lua, integer keys between -2**53 and 2**53 are represented as Lua numbers. All other keys are represented as Lua strings.

    • When converting from Lua to PHP, keys other than strings and numbers will result in an error, as will collisions when converting numbers to strings or vice versa (since PHP considers things like $a[0] and $a["0"] as being equivalent).

  • All other types are unsupported and will raise an error/exception, including general PHP objects and Lua userdata and thread types.

Lua functions inherently return a list of results. So on success, this method returns an array containing all of the values returned by Lua, with int keys starting from zero. Lua may return no results, in which case an empty array is returned.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


Arguments passed to the function.

Dönen Değerler

Returns an array of values returned by the function, which may be empty, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.

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