PHP 8.3.17 Released!



(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

DateTimeZone::getTransitions -- timezone_transitions_getReturns all transitions for the timezone


Object-oriented style

public DateTimeZone::getTransitions(int $timestampBegin = PHP_INT_MIN, int $timestampEnd = PHP_INT_MAX): array|false

Procedural style

timezone_transitions_get(DateTimeZone $object, int $timestampBegin = PHP_INT_MIN, int $timestampEnd = PHP_INT_MAX): array|false



Procedural style only: A DateTimeZone object returned by timezone_open()


Begin timestamp.


End timestamp.

Return Values

Returns a numerically indexed array of transition arrays on success, or false on failure. DateTimeZone objects wrapping type 1 (UTC offsets) and type 2 (abbreviations) do not contain any transitions, and calling this method on them will return false.

If timestampBegin is given, the first entry in the returned array will contain a transition element at the time of timestampBegin.

Transition Array Structure
Key Type Description
ts int Unix timestamp
time string DateTimeInterface::ISO8601_EXPANDED (PHP 8.2 and later), or DateTimeInterface::ISO8601 (PHP 8.1 and lower) time string
offset int Offset to UTC in seconds
isdst bool Whether daylight saving time is active
abbr string Timezone abbreviation


Example #1 A timezone_transitions_get() example

= new DateTimeZone("Europe/London");
$transitions = $timezone->getTransitions();
print_r(array_slice($transitions, 0, 3));

The above example will output something similar to:

    [0] => Array
            [ts] => -9223372036854775808
            [time] => -292277022657-01-27T08:29:52+0000
            [offset] => 3600
            [isdst] => 1
            [abbr] => BST

    [1] => Array
            [ts] => -1691964000
            [time] => 1916-05-21T02:00:00+0000
            [offset] => 3600
            [isdst] => 1
            [abbr] => BST

    [2] => Array
            [ts] => -1680472800
            [time] => 1916-10-01T02:00:00+0000
            [offset] => 0
            [isdst] => 
            [abbr] => GMT


Example #2 A timezone_transitions_get() example with timestampBegin set

= new DateTimeZone("Europe/London");
$transitions = $timezone->getTransitions(time());
print_r(array_slice($transitions, 0, 3));

The above example will output something similar to:

    [0] => Array
            [ts] => 1654184161
            [time] => 2022-06-02T15:36:01+0000
            [offset] => 3600
            [isdst] => 1
            [abbr] => BST

    [1] => Array
            [ts] => 1667091600
            [time] => 2022-10-30T01:00:00+0000
            [offset] => 0
            [isdst] => 
            [abbr] => GMT

    [2] => Array
            [ts] => 1679792400
            [time] => 2023-03-26T01:00:00+0000
            [offset] => 3600
            [isdst] => 1
            [abbr] => BST


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