
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

fscanfAnaliza la entrada desde un archivo de acuerdo a un formato


fscanf(resource $handle, string $format, mixed &$... = ?): mixed

La función fscanf() es similar a sscanf(), excepto que toma su entrada desde un archivo asociado con handle e interpreta la entrada de acuerdo al parámetro format especificado, que es descrito en la documentación de sprintf().

Cualquier espacio en blanco en la cadena de formato coincide con cualquier espacio en blanco en el flujo de entrada. Esto significa que incluso una tabulación \t en la cadena de formato puede coincidir con un simple caráter espacio en el flujo de entrada.

Cada llamada a fscanf() lee una línea del archivo.



Resource que apunta a un fichero del sitema que normalmente es creado usando fopen().


El formato especificado como se describe en la documentación de sprintf().


Los valores opcionales asignados.

Valores devueltos

Si sólo se pasaron dos parámetros a esta función, los valores analizados serán devueltos como una matriz. De otro modo, si se pasaron los parámetros opcionales, la función devolverá el número de valores asignados. Los parámetros opcionales pueden ser pasados por referencia.


Ejemplo #1 Ejemplo de fscanf()

= fopen("usuarios.txt", "r");
while (
$userinfo = fscanf($gestor, "%s\t%s\t%s\n")) {
list (
$nombre, $profesión, $código_país) = $userinfo;
//... hacer algo con los valores

Ejemplo #2 Contenido de usuarios.txt

javier  argonaut        pe
hiroshi sculptor        jp
robert  slacker us
luigi   florist it

Ver también

  • fread() - Lectura de un fichero en modo binario seguro
  • fgets() - Obtiene una línea desde el puntero a un fichero
  • fgetss() - Obtiene un línea desde un puntero a un archivo y elimina las etiquetas HTML
  • sscanf() - Interpreta un string de entrada de acuerdo con un formato
  • printf() - Imprimir una cadena con formato
  • sprintf() - Devuelve un string formateado

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User Contributed Notes 10 notes

yasuo_ohgaki at hotmail dot com
23 years ago
For C/C++ programmers.

fscanf() does not work like C/C++, because PHP's fscanf() move file pointer the next line implicitly.
Bertrand dot Lecun at prism dot uvsq dot Fr
17 years ago
It would be great to precise in the fscanf documentation
that one call to the function, reads a complete line.
and not just the number of values defined in the format.

If a text file contains 2 lines each containing 4 integer values,
reading the file with 8 fscanf($fd,"%d",$v) doesnt run !
You have to make 2
fscanf($fd,"%d %d %d %d",$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4);

Then 1 fscanf per line.
eugene at pro-access dot com
22 years ago
If you want to read text files in csv format or the like(no matter what character the fields are separated with), you should use fgetcsv() instead. When a text for a field is blank, fscanf() may skip it and fill it with the next text, whereas fgetcsv() correctly regards it as a blank field.
worldwideroach at hotmail dot com
19 years ago
Yet another function to read a file and return a record/string by a delimiter. It is very much like fgets() with the delimiter being an additional parameter. Works great across multiple lines.

function fgetd(&$rFile, $sDelim, $iBuffer=1024) {
$sRecord = '';
while(!feof($rFile)) {
$iPos = strpos($sRecord, $sDelim);
if ($iPos === false) {
$sRecord .= fread($rFile, $iBuffer);
} else {
fseek($rFile, 0-strlen($sRecord)+$iPos+strlen($sDelim), SEEK_CUR);
return substr($sRecord, 0, $iPos);
return false;
nico at nicoswd dot com
10 years ago
If you want to parse a cron file, you may use this pattern:


while ($cron = fscanf($fp, "%s %s %s %s %s %[^\n]s"))


loco.xxx at gmail dot com
18 years ago
to include all type of visible chars you should try:

<?php fscanf($file_handler,"%[ -~]"); ?>
robert at NOSPAM dot NOSPAM
21 years ago
actually, instead of trying to think of every character that might be in your file, excluding the delimiter would be much easier.

for example, if your delimiter was a comma use:


instead of:

%[a-zA-Z0-9.| ... ]

Just make sure to use %[^,\n] on your last entry so you don't include the newline.
arentzen at religion dot dk
16 years ago
If you want fscanf()to scan one variable in a large number of lines, e.g an Ipadress in a line with more variables, then use fscanf with explode()
$filename = "somefile.txt";
$fp = fopen($filename, "r") or die ("Error opening file! \n");
$u = explode(" ",$line); // $u is the variable eg. an IPadress
while ($line = fscanf($fp,"%s",$u)) {
if(preg_match("/^$u/",$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {$badipadresss++;} // do something and continue scan
Besides, fscanf()is much faster than fgets()
james at zephyr-works dot com
23 years ago
fscanf works a little retardedly I've found. Instead of using just a plain %s you probably will need to use sets instead. Because it works so screwy compared to C/C++, fscanf does not have the ability to scan ahead in a string and pattern match correctly, so a seemingly perfect function call like:

fscanf($fh, "%s::%s");

With a file like:


Will not work. When fscanf looks for a string, it will look and stop at nothing except for a whitespace so :: and everything except whitespace is considered part of that string, however you can make it a little smarter by:

fscanf($fh, "%[a-zA-Z0-9,. ]::%[a-zA-Z0-9,. ]" $var1, $var2);

Which tells it that it can only accept a through z A through Z 0 through 9 a comma a period and a whitespace as input to the string, everything else cause it to stop taking in as input and continue parsing the line. This is very useful if you want to get a sentence into the string and you're not sure of exactly how many words to add, etc.
hdh265 at 163 dot com
9 years ago
The use of PHP code in the ACM submission
Here is a sample solution for problem 1001 using PHP:
while (fscanf(STDIN, "%d%d", $a, $b) == 2) {
print (
$a + $b) . "\n";
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