La classe SQLite3

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


Une classe d'interface avec les bases de données SQLite3.

Synopsis de la classe

class SQLite3 {
/* Constantes */
public const int OK;
public const int DENY;
public const int IGNORE;
public const int CREATE_INDEX;
public const int CREATE_TABLE;
public const int CREATE_TEMP_INDEX;
public const int CREATE_TEMP_TABLE;
public const int CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER;
public const int CREATE_TEMP_VIEW;
public const int CREATE_TRIGGER;
public const int CREATE_VIEW;
public const int DELETE;
public const int DROP_INDEX;
public const int DROP_TABLE;
public const int DROP_TEMP_INDEX;
public const int DROP_TEMP_TABLE;
public const int DROP_TEMP_TRIGGER;
public const int DROP_TEMP_VIEW;
public const int DROP_TRIGGER;
public const int DROP_VIEW;
public const int INSERT;
public const int PRAGMA;
public const int READ;
public const int SELECT;
public const int TRANSACTION;
public const int UPDATE;
public const int ATTACH;
public const int DETACH;
public const int ALTER_TABLE;
public const int REINDEX;
public const int ANALYZE;
public const int CREATE_VTABLE;
public const int DROP_VTABLE;
public const int FUNCTION;
public const int SAVEPOINT;
public const int COPY;
public const int RECURSIVE;
/* Méthodes */
public __construct(string $filename, int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE, string $encryptionKey = "")
public backup(SQLite3 $destination, string $sourceDatabase = "main", string $destinationDatabase = "main"): bool
public busyTimeout(int $milliseconds): bool
public changes(): int
public close(): bool
public createAggregate(
    string $name,
    callable $stepCallback,
    callable $finalCallback,
    int $argCount = -1
): bool
public createCollation(string $name, callable $callback): bool
public createFunction(
    string $name,
    callable $callback,
    int $argCount = -1,
    int $flags = 0
): bool
public enableExceptions(bool $enable = false): bool
public static escapeString(string $string): string
public exec(string $query): bool
public lastErrorCode(): int
public loadExtension(string $name): bool
public open(string $filename, int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE, string $encryptionKey = ""): void
public openBlob(
    string $table,
    string $column,
    int $rowid,
    string $database = "main",
    int $flags = SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY
): resource|false
public querySingle(string $query, bool $entireRow = false): mixed
public setAuthorizer(?callable $callback): bool
public static version(): array


add a note

User Contributed Notes 1 note

dannsbass at gmail dot com
2 years ago
# get all .dbi files in a directory
$databases_list = glob("directory/*.dbi");

# looping it
foreach ($databases_list as $db_name){

# sanitizing name of file
$db_name = str_replace('directory/','',str_replace('.dbi','',$db_name));

# Database connection
$db = new SQLite3($db_name);

$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM your_table_name");

while($data = $result->fetchArray()){

echo $data['column']."<hr>";


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