PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ctype_digitVérifie qu'une chaîne est un entier


ctype_digit(mixed $text): bool

ctype_digit() vérifie si tous les caractères de la chaîne text sont des chiffres.

Liste de paramètres


La chaîne testée.


Si un entier dans l'intervalle -128 et 255 inclus est fourni, il sera interprété comme la valeur ASCII d'un seul caractère (les valeurs négatives se verront ajouter 256 afin d'autoriser les caractères dans l'intervalle ASCII étendue). Tout autre entier sera interprété comme une chaîne de caractères contenant les décimales de l'entier.


À partir de PHP 8.1.0, passer un argument différent d'une chaîne est obsolète. À l'avenir, l#39;argument sera interprété comme une chaîne de caractères au lieu d'un point de code ASCII. Selon le comportement souhaité, l'argument doit être transtypé en chaîne de caractères ou un appel explicite à chr() doit être effectué.

Valeurs de retour

Retourne true si tous les caractères de text sont des chiffres décimaux, false sinon. Lorsque appelé avec une chaîne vide, le résultat sera toujours false.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec ctype_digit()

= array('1820.20', '10002', 'wsl!12');
foreach (
$strings as $testcase) {
if (
ctype_digit($testcase)) {
"La chaîne $testcase ne contient que des entiers.\n";
} else {
"La chaîne $testcase ne contient pas que des entiers.\n";

L'exemple ci-dessus va afficher :

La chaîne 1820.20 ne contient pas que des entiers.
La chaîne 10002 ne contient que des entiers.
La chaîne wsl!12 ne contient pas que des entiers.

Exemple #2 Exemple avec ctype_digit() pour comparer des chaînes et des nombres


= '42';
$integer = 42;

ctype_digit($numeric_string); // true
ctype_digit($integer); // false (ASCII 42 correspond au caractère *)

is_numeric($numeric_string); // true
is_numeric($integer); // true

Voir aussi

  • ctype_alnum() - Vérifie qu'une chaîne est alphanumérique
  • ctype_xdigit() - Vérifie qu'un caractère représente un nombre hexadécimal
  • is_numeric() - Détermine si une variable est un nombre ou une chaîne numérique
  • is_int() - Détermine si une variable est de type nombre entier
  • is_string() - Détermine si une variable est de type chaîne de caractères
  • IntlChar::isdigit() - Vérifie si un point de code est un chiffre

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User Contributed Notes 13 notes

info at directwebsolutions dot nl
12 years ago
All basic PHP functions which i tried returned unexpected results. I would just like to check whether some variable only contains numbers. For example: when i spread my script to the public i cannot require users to only use numbers as string or as integer. For those situation i wrote my own function which handles all inconveniences of other functions and which is not depending on regular expressions. Some people strongly believe that regular functions slow down your script.

The reason to write this function:
1. is_numeric() accepts values like: +0123.45e6 (but you would expect it would not)
2. is_int() does not accept HTML form fields (like: 123) because they are treated as strings (like: "123").
3. ctype_digit() excepts all numbers to be strings (like: "123") and does not validate real integers (like: 123).
4. Probably some functions would parse a boolean (like: true or false) as 0 or 1 and validate it in that manner.

My function only accepts numbers regardless whether they are in string or in integer format.
* Check input for existing only of digits (numbers)
* @author Tim Boormans <>
* @param $digit
* @return bool
function is_digit($digit) {
is_int($digit)) {
} elseif(
is_string($digit)) {
} else {
// booleans, floats and others
return false;
smicheal2 at gmail dot com
9 years ago
Please note that ctype_digit() will say true for strings such as '00001', which are not technically valid representations of integers, while saying false to strings such as '-1', which are. It's basically a faster version of the regex /^\d+$/. As the name says, it answers the question "does this string contain only digits" literally. It does not answer "is this a valid representation of an integer". If that's what you want, use is_int(filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) instead.
Peter de Pijd
15 years ago
Note that an empty string is also false:
ctype_digit("") // false
error17191 at gmail dot com
9 years ago
I just wanted to clarify a flaw in the function is_digit() suggested by "info at directwebsolutions dot nl " ..
It returns true in case of negative integers and false in case of strings that contain negative integers .
is_digit(-10); // returns ture
is_digit('-10'); // returns false
rlerne at gmail dot com
11 years ago
Interesting to note that you must pass a STRING to this function, other values won't be typecasted (I figured it would even though above explicitly says string $text).


= 42; //Answer to life
$x = ctype_digit($val);

Will return false, even though, when typecasted to string, it would be true.

= '42';
$x = ctype_digit($val);

Returns True.

Could do this too:

= 42;
$x = ctype_digit((string) $val);

Which will also return true, as it should.
strrev xc tod noxeh ta ellij
15 years ago
ctype_digit() will treat all passed integers below 256 as character-codes. It returns true for 48 through 57 (ASCII '0'-'9') and false for the rest.

ctype_digit(5) -> false
ctype_digit(48) -> true
ctype_digit(255) -> false
ctype_digit(256) -> true

(Note: the PHP type must be an int; if you pass strings it works as expected)
a_p_leeming at hotmail dot com
15 years ago
Also note that

<?php ctype_digit("-1"); //false ?>
mdsky at web dot de
14 years ago
is_numeric gives true by f. ex. 1e3 or 0xf5 too. So it's not the same as ctype_digit, which just gives true when only values from 0 to 9 are entered.
John Saman
15 years ago
Using is_numeric function is quite faster than ctype_digit.

is_numeric took 0.237 Seconds for one million runs. while ctype_digit took 0.470 Seconds.
zorrosNOSPAMwordsman at NOSPAM dot gmail dot com
8 years ago
If you want to verify whether or not a variable contains only digits, you can type cast it to a string and back to int and see if the result is identical. Like so:


// (bool) TRUE if only digits, FALSE otherwise
$isOnlyDigits = (string) (int) $input === (string) $input;


I haven't benchmarked it, but I'm guessing it's significantly faster then regular expressions.
raul dot 3k at gmail dot com
15 years ago
The ctype_digit can be used in a simple form to validate a field:
= $_POST["field"];
"It's not a digit";

Digits is 0-9
brcontainer at yahoo dot com dot br
6 years ago
ctype_digit don't support negative value in string:

( ctype_digit('-10') ); //return bool(false)

Improved (and simplified) Tim Boormans code:

* Check input for existing only of digits (numbers)
* @author Guilherme Nascimento <>
* @param $digit
* @return bool
function is_digit($digit)
preg_match('#^-?\d+$#', $digit) && is_int((int) $digit);
divinity76 at gmail dot com
4 years ago
an alternative if you want to check if it's a valid integer:

if(false!==filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)){
// it's a valid int!
// it's not a valid int

or if you want to check that it's a positive integer (>= 0):
if(false!==filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ["options"=>["min_range"=>0]])){
// it's a valid positive integer!
$v = (int)$v;
// it's not a valid positive integer

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