Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers



  • mcrypt_create_iv — Создаёт инициализирующий вектор (Initialization Vector или IV) из случайного источника
  • mcrypt_decrypt — Расшифровывает данные с заданными параметрами
  • mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name — Возвращает имя алгоритма
  • mcrypt_enc_get_block_size — Возвращает размер блока алгоритма
  • mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size — Возвращает размер инициализирующего вектора для алгоритма
  • mcrypt_enc_get_key_size — Возвращает максимальную допустимую длину ключа алгоритма
  • mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name — Возвращает имя используемого режима
  • mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes — Возвращает массив с допустимыми размерами ключа для используемого алгоритма
  • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm — Проверяет, использует ли алгоритм блочные режимы
  • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode — Проверяет, используется ли блочный режим
  • mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode — Проверяет, возвращает ли текущий режим блоки
  • mcrypt_enc_self_test — Запуск самопроверки открытого модуля
  • mcrypt_encrypt — Шифрует текст с заданными параметрами
  • mcrypt_generic — Функция шифрует данные
  • mcrypt_generic_deinit — Эта функция деинициализирует модуль шифрования
  • mcrypt_generic_init — Функция инициализирует все буферы, необходимые для шифрования
  • mcrypt_get_block_size — Возвращает размер блока для указанного шифра
  • mcrypt_get_cipher_name — Получает имя указанного шифра
  • mcrypt_get_iv_size — Возвращает размер инициализирующего вектора для соответствующей комбинации шифра и режима
  • mcrypt_get_key_size — Получить размер ключа заданного шифра
  • mcrypt_list_algorithms — Получить список всех поддерживаемых алгоритмов шифрования
  • mcrypt_list_modes — Получить список всех поддерживаемых режимов шифрования
  • mcrypt_module_close — Закрывает модуль mcrypt
  • mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size — Возвращает размер блока указанного алгоритма
  • mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size — Возвращает максимальный размер ключа открытого режима
  • mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes — Возвращает список поддерживаемых размеров ключей для открытого алгоритма
  • mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm — Проверяет, является ли заданный алгоритм блочным или нет
  • mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode — Проверяет, является ли заданный модуль блочным или нет
  • mcrypt_module_is_block_mode — Проверить, возвращает ли указанный режим данные блоками или нет
  • mcrypt_module_open — Открывает модуль шифрования с использованием указанных алгоритма и режима
  • mcrypt_module_self_test — Функция запускает самопроверку указанного модуля
  • mdecrypt_generic — Дешифровка данных
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User Contributed Notes 24 notes

rolf at winmutt dot com
18 years ago
mysql AES_ENCRYPT() compatibly function for PHP :

function mysql_aes_encrypt($val,$ky) {
$val=str_pad($val, (16*(floor(strlen($val) / 16)+(strlen($val) % 16==0?2:1))), chr(16-(strlen($val) % 16)));
mcrypt_encrypt($enc, $ky, $val, $mode, mcrypt_create_iv( mcrypt_get_iv_size($enc, $mode), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));

Please note that if the strlen($ky)>16 then this function will not be compatible.
groundzero at zuavra dot net
20 years ago
If you've ever compiled PHP from source (any version) you may be familiar with the [in]famous MCRYPT_BLOWFISH_128 compilation error that appears when you attempt to compile --with-mcrypt. It occurs often on Debian but not only there. The problem: during compilation, the PHP configure script always assumes that libmcrypt has been built in conjunction with libltdl. Whenever that is not the case, PHP compilation will fail later saying certain headers (such as the above blowfish example) are missing from mcrypt.h (which is misleading, they're not supposed to be there nor looked after if libltdl was properly involved). Solution: make sure your libmcrypt was linked against libltdl before you even start configuring PHP. You can check by running 'ldd lybmcrypt.so' and verifying that libltdl appears in the output. libltdl can be found in libltld[3][-dev] on Debian or in libtool-libs on Red Hat.
15 years ago
if you don't have mcrypt installed, try phpseclib - http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net

includes pure-php implementations of des, 3des, rc4, aes, and rijndael. uses mcrypt if it's available and a pure-php implementation otherwise. it also has the distinction of having the fastest existent pure-php aes implementation as per section 3.5.5. "Speed Comparisons" of the documentation.
duerra_NOT_THIS_ at pushitlive dot net
17 years ago
For those of you that need to use PKCS#5 padding, the mcrypt API's for PHP do not support it. However, you can DIY using the following:


function encrypt_something($input)
$size = mcrypt_get_block_size('des', 'ecb');
$input = pkcs5_pad($input, $size);

$td = mcrypt_module_open('des', '', 'ecb', '');
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv (mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);
$data = mcrypt_generic($td, $input);
$data = base64_encode($data);

pkcs5_pad ($text, $blocksize)
$pad = $blocksize - (strlen($text) % $blocksize);
$text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);

$pad = ord($text{strlen($text)-1});
if (
$pad > strlen($text)) return false;
if (
strspn($text, chr($pad), strlen($text) - $pad) != $pad) return false;
substr($text, 0, -1 * $pad);
triptripon at gmail dot com
18 years ago
Regarding storing the result on a postgres DB that uses Unicode (follow up to a post below).
You don't need to change the DB's encoding to ASCII.
Simply use BASE64 to encode the result, it's perfectly safe.
use base64_decode before you decrypt.
-- Tomer Levinboim
herowekker at hotmail dot com
21 years ago
mcrypt_ecb with base64_decode gave some problems, i found out that it had to be chopped to work:

16 years ago
Solved Problem:

when compiling php --with-mcrypt, phpinfo() says, that mcrypt ist enabled, but
"Supported ciphers none" and
"Supported modes none"

In order to get mcrypt to work in php, you have to configure and compile the libmcrypt source package with the following options:
./configure --disable-posix-threads --enable-dynamic-loading
20 years ago
DEBIAN users: avoid mcrypt installation headaches.
to add mcrypt support to an existing php installation, get root and run

apt-get install php4-mcrypt

restart your webserver, and voila.
pawelNOSPAM at rsc dot pl
23 years ago
If you compiled mcrypt and php without problem, but phpinfo() shows there are no supported ciphers and modes, try to change mode to 755 on libdirs (/usr/local/libmcrypt, /usr/local/libcrypt).
patrickdk at patrickdk dot com
14 years ago
This works completely with mysql aes, even long keys.

function mysql_aes_decrypt($val,$ky)
$key[$a%16]=chr(ord($key[$a%16]) ^ ord($ky[$a]));
$dec = @mcrypt_decrypt($enc, $key, $val, $mode, @mcrypt_create_iv( @mcrypt_get_iv_size($enc, $mode), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM ) );
rtrim($dec,(( ord(substr($dec,strlen($dec)-1,1))>=0 and ord(substr($dec, strlen($dec)-1,1))<=16)? chr(ord( substr($dec,strlen($dec)-1,1))):null));

$key[$a%16]=chr(ord($key[$a%16]) ^ ord($ky[$a]));
$val=str_pad($val, (16*(floor(strlen($val) / 16)+(strlen($val) % 16==0?2:1))), chr(16-(strlen($val) % 16)));
mcrypt_encrypt($enc, $key, $val, $mode, mcrypt_create_iv( mcrypt_get_iv_size($enc, $mode), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
mountie at paygate dot net
24 years ago
the encrypted result data maybe binary data and It make errors in sql query.
so use the base64_encode/base64_decode function with mcrypt()
try below


p ete postma - googlemail.com
14 years ago
mcrypt module initialization failed

I found this circumstance:

function protect() {
//some mcrypt/decrypt command


a() {

function b() {

filea.php and a() work fine
fileb.php and b() will report a mcrypt module initialization failed

I am assuming you can't pull that module in on the fly. If you use a file that calls mcrypt, it has to be included at the head, not in a function.
Rafael M. Salvioni
15 years ago
The follow function is a implementation of the RC4 cypher algorithm in pure PHP code.

The function is used to encrypt and decrypt data.

* Crypt/decrypt strings with RC4 stream cypher algorithm.
* @param string $key Key
* @param string $data Encripted/pure data
* @see http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4
* @return string
function rc4($key, $data)
// Store the vectors "S" has calculated
static $SC;
// Function to swaps values of the vector "S"
$swap = create_function('&$v1, &$v2', '
$v1 = $v1 ^ $v2;
$v2 = $v1 ^ $v2;
$v1 = $v1 ^ $v2;
$ikey = crc32($key);
if (!isset(
$SC[$ikey])) {
// Make the vector "S", basead in the key
$S = range(0, 255);
$j = 0;
$n = strlen($key);
for (
$i = 0; $i < 255; $i++) {
$char = ord($key{$i % $n});
$j = ($j + $S[$i] + $char) % 256;
$swap($S[$i], $S[$j]);
$SC[$ikey] = $S;
} else {
$S = $SC[$ikey];
// Crypt/decrypt the data
$n = strlen($data);
$data = str_split($data, 1);
$i = $j = 0;
for (
$m = 0; $m < $n; $m++) {
$i = ($i + 1) % 256;
$j = ($j + $S[$i]) % 256;
$swap($S[$i], $S[$j]);
$char = ord($data[$m]);
$char = $S[($S[$i] + $S[$j]) % 256] ^ $char;
$data[$m] = chr($char);
implode('', $data);
Ivan Frederiks
17 years ago
To enable mcrypt extension under Windows you need to:
1) uncomment line "extension=php_mcrypt.dll" in php.ini
2) download libmcrypt.dll from http://files.edin.dk/php/win32/mcrypt/ and put it to System32 directory (for example C:\Windows\System32).
Tested on Windows XP+Apache 1.3.37+PHP 4.4.6 (as SAPI module!!!)

I wrote this because I got "Cannot load mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration." from phpMyAdmin when I simply uncommented "extension=php_mcrypt.dll" line.
vincent at verbrugh dot nl
18 years ago
If you plan to use Mcrypt Encryption to store encrypted data (e.g. passwords) in a (MySQL) database make sure to set the column to BLOB rather than VARCHAR. Otherwise the data may change which can give unexpected results if you decrypt the value.
Jerry Hathaway
18 years ago
After benchmarking AES in 256-bit operation, I've concluded that CBC is far faster than OFB. Using a 14.9 MiB file, on average...

Encrypt in CBC: 1.9 seconds
Encrypt in OFB: 45.7 seconds (same as CFB)
Just reading the file: ~.53 seconds

After some research, I've concluded that OFB and CFB are slightly more secure than CBC, however I believe the performance difference to be due to an implementation issue.

As a side note on ECB: As stated in the wiki linked to below, ECB is wholly inadequate. It not use an IV (whether it was supplied ot MCrypt or not), meaning the same key and plaintext always produce the same ciphertext and it doesn't hide patterns. The site shows an excellent example of this.

Very useful info:
coz AT metamule D0T com
18 years ago
If you're going to encrypt data with something like this and store it in postgres.

function encrypt($string, $key){
$result = '';
$i=1; $i<=strlen($string); $i++){
$char = substr($string, $i-1, 1);
$keychar = substr($key, ($i % strlen($key))-1, 1);
$char = chr(ord($char)+ord($keychar));

Make sure when you create your database to set the encoding to SQL_ASCII because you won't be able to store this data in a database that uses UNICODE
18 years ago
A further note for those doing interop between PHP and Java:

If you're using the BouncyCastle library on the Java side, then you can use the ZeroBytePadding mode now available in it. Mcrypt pads the data with Nulls rather than spaces....

I've sucessfully done interop using Blowfish/CBC/ZeroBytePadding between PHP and Java this way.
paul dot lewis at absolutegenius dot co dot uk
19 years ago
I've spent the majority of the day attempting to get mcrypt to work under IIS6 with Windows Server 2003 (Web Edition) and PHP 5.0.4

There seems to be some incompatability with enabling certain extensions (mcrypt being one) when you are running PHP as ISAPI in this environment.

The way to solve the problem (the error will be that it cannot load php_mcrypt.dll - access is denied) is to run in CGI. While this isn't supposed to be as good performance wise, if you need the mcrypt support (or Oracle support, too, I believe) then this is the only way I've found to do it.
Jurgen Schwietering
19 years ago
Attention when using keys longer than the actual key size (i.e. 160 bit instead of 128 bit).

It will work inbetween PHP scripts, but might cause problems when using openssl or other packages with this integration of mcrypt. Cut them always to the supported size (mcrypt_enc_get_key_size) to avoid sleepless hours.
scott at boothcreek dot com
22 years ago
If you are using ECB mode to encrypt it does not seem to use the iv (initialization vector) for much of anything, given the same key it will always decrypt it no matter what the iv is. If you use CBC mode you must decrypt with the same iv that you encrypted with.

If you use a different iv before decrypting, your decrypt will not work. IMHO it seems better to use CBC mode than ECB as ECB will always encrypt to the same cipher text given the same plain text (leaving you open to know plaintext attacks). CBC uses the random iv which means text encrypts to different things. You probably could get the same effect from using random keys in ECB mode.

Read that in the Schneier book - Applied Cryptography (ISBN 0-471-11709-9) This book is a must for anyone seriously using any type of encryption.
phpknights at pookmail dot com
16 years ago
The Pear class Crypt/Blowfish.php will use the mcrypt module if available but the mcrypt module is not required.

Some very easy Pear and example pseudocode to protect your data by encrypting your databases with a one-way hash and blowfish symmetric encryption.

Using a one-way hash and blowfish symmetric encryption.
1. Insert a record of John Doe in an encrypted database.
2. Get the encrypted record of user John Doe and decrypt the data.

1. Insert a record of John Doe in an encrypted database.

require_once("Crypt/Blowfish.php"); // a Pear class

$aRecord['email'] = "johndoe@anisp.localhost"; // The Primary key
$aRecord['name'] = "John Doe";
$aRecord['creditnr'] = "0192733652342" ;

// crypt - one-way encryption
$cipher_key = crypt( $aRecord['email'] , "AN_SECRET_COMPANY_SALT");

$bf = new Crypt_Blowfish('ecb');
$bf->setKey( $cipher_key );

// crypt_blowfish symmetric encryption to encrypt the data
$aRecord['email'] = $bf->encrypt( $aRecord['email'] );
$aRecord['name'] = $bf->encrypt( $aRecord['name'] );
$aRecord['creditnr'] = $bf->encrypt( $aRecord['creditnr'] );

$result = sqlInsert( $aRecord ) ;

2. Get the encrypted record of user John Doe and decrypt the data.

require_once("Crypt/Blowfish.php"); // a Pear class

$primary_key = "johndoe@anisp.localhost";

// crypt - one-way encryption
$cipher_key = crypt( $primary_key , "AN_SECRET_COMPANY_SALT");

$bf = new Crypt_Blowfish('ecb');
$bf->setKey( $cipher_key );

// crypt_blowfish symmetric encryption to ecrypt the primary key for a sql select
$select_key = $bf->encrypt( $primary_key ) ;

$aRecord = sqlSelectWithPKEY( $select_key );

// crypt_blowfish symmetric encryption to decrypt the data
$aRecord['email'] = $bf->decrypt( $aRecord['email'] );
$aRecord['name'] = $bf->decrypt( $aRecord['name'] );
$aRecord['creditnr'] = $bf->decrypt( $aRecord['creditnr'] );

Thanks for reading this.
artem at it-nt dot ru
16 years ago
And some code for LM hash:

function LMhash($string)
$string = strtoupper(substr($string,0,14));

$p1 = LMhash_DESencrypt(substr($string, 0, 7));
$p2 = LMhash_DESencrypt(substr($string, 7, 7));


$key = array();
$tmp = array();
$len = strlen($string);

for (
$i=0; $i<7; ++$i)
$tmp[] = $i < $len ? ord($string[$i]) : 0;

$key[] = $tmp[0] & 254;
$key[] = ($tmp[0] << 7) | ($tmp[1] >> 1);
$key[] = ($tmp[1] << 6) | ($tmp[2] >> 2);
$key[] = ($tmp[2] << 5) | ($tmp[3] >> 3);
$key[] = ($tmp[3] << 4) | ($tmp[4] >> 4);
$key[] = ($tmp[4] << 3) | ($tmp[5] >> 5);
$key[] = ($tmp[5] << 2) | ($tmp[6] >> 6);
$key[] = $tmp[6] << 1;

$is = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_DES, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($is, MCRYPT_RAND);
$key0 = "";

foreach (
$key as $k)
$key0 .= chr($k);
$crypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key0, "KGS!@#$%", MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);


Some optimization?
steve@itemfront dot ltd dot uk
20 years ago
Just spent a while getting mcrypt support working with php. Used libmcrypt version 2.5.7 with php 4.3.3. Out of the box it just won't work. Configure as follows:


./configure --disable-posix-threads --enable-dynamic-loading

php: ( as you can see, it's built for a SunONE server, but that's the easy bit to configure! )

./configure --with-nsapi=/usr/iplanet/servers --enable-sigchld --with-ldap --with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib --with-mcrypt=<srcdir>/libmcrypt-2.5.7

hth, steve
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