PHP 8.3.17 Released!

Draw Path

(UI 0.9.9)


A Draw Path guides a Draw Pen, telling the Pen where to draw on an Area.

Sınıf Sözdizimi

class UI\Draw\Path {
/* Sabitler */
const int Winding;
const int Alternate;
/* Constructor */
public __construct(int $mode = UI\Draw\Path::Winding)
/* Yöntemler */
public addRectangle(UI\Point $point, UI\Size $size)
public arcTo(
    UI\Point $point,
    float $radius,
    float $angle,
    float $sweep,
    float $negative
public bezierTo(
    UI\Point $point,
    float $radius,
    float $angle,
    float $sweep,
    float $negative
public closeFigure()
public end()
public lineTo(
    UI\Point $point,
    float $radius,
    float $angle,
    float $sweep,
    float $negative
public newFigure(UI\Point $point)
public newFigureWithArc(
    UI\Point $point,
    float $radius,
    float $angle,
    float $sweep,
    float $negative

Öntanımlı Sabitler


This is the default draw path mode


This is the alternate draw path mode


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