PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing

The IntlBreakIterator class

(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)


A “break iterator” is an ICU object that exposes methods for locating boundaries in text (e.g. word or sentence boundaries). The PHP IntlBreakIterator serves as the base class for all types of ICU break iterators. Where extra functionality is available, the intl extension may expose the ICU break iterator with suitable subclasses, such as IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator or IntlCodePointBreakIterator.

This class implements IteratorAggregate. Traversing an IntlBreakIterator yields non-negative integer values representing the successive locations of the text boundaries, expressed as UTF-8 code units (byte) counts, taken from the beginning of the text (which has the location 0). The keys yielded by the iterator simply form the sequence of natural numbers {0, 1, 2, …}.


class IntlBreakIterator implements IteratorAggregate {
/* Konstanten */
public const int DONE;
public const int WORD_NONE;
public const int WORD_NONE_LIMIT;
public const int WORD_NUMBER;
public const int WORD_NUMBER_LIMIT;
public const int WORD_LETTER;
public const int WORD_LETTER_LIMIT;
public const int WORD_KANA;
public const int WORD_KANA_LIMIT;
public const int WORD_IDEO;
public const int WORD_IDEO_LIMIT;
public const int LINE_SOFT;
public const int LINE_SOFT_LIMIT;
public const int LINE_HARD;
public const int LINE_HARD_LIMIT;
public const int SENTENCE_TERM;
public const int SENTENCE_TERM_LIMIT;
public const int SENTENCE_SEP;
public const int SENTENCE_SEP_LIMIT;
/* Methoden */
private __construct()
public current(): int
public first(): int
public following(int $offset): int
public getErrorCode(): int
public getLocale(int $type): string|false
public getPartsIterator(string $type = IntlPartsIterator::KEY_SEQUENTIAL): IntlPartsIterator
public getText(): ?string
public isBoundary(int $offset): bool
public last(): int
public next(?int $offset = null): int
public preceding(int $offset): int
public previous(): int
public setText(string $text): bool


Version Beschreibung
8.0.0 IntlBreakIterator implements IteratorAggregate now. Previously, Traversable was implemented instead.


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User Contributed Notes 1 note

10 years ago
Since there is no excample for the usage of the IntlBreakIterator yet, I made a small one:


= "Si contano i danni. Un morto a Roma, un treno ".
"deragliato e quattro feriti a Foggia, strade chiuse in tutto ".
"il sud, allagamenti e danni sulla costa ionica. A Pescara, ".
"1.500 sfollati per l'esondazione del Fosso Vallelunga. ".
"Dall'inizio dell'anno l'agricoltura ha subito un miliardo ".
"di euro di danni.";

$locale = 'it_IT';

$i = IntlBreakIterator::createSentenceInstance($locale);

$i->getPartsIterator() as $sentence) {
$sentence . PHP_EOL . '----- next -----' . PHP_EOL;



Si contano i danni.
----- next -----
Un morto a Roma, un treno deragliato e quattro feriti a Foggia, strade chiuse in tutto il sud, allagamenti e danni sulla costa ionica.
----- next -----
A Pescara, 1.500 sfollati per l'esondazione del Fosso Vallelunga.
----- next -----
Dall'inizio dell'anno l'agricoltura ha subito un miliardo di euro di danni.
----- next -----
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