(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

$_REQUESTHTTP Request-Variablen


Ein assoziatives Array, das standardmäßig den Inhalt von $_GET, $_POST und $_COOKIE enthält.



Dies ist eine 'Superglobale' oder automatisch globale Variable. Dies bedeutet, dass sie innerhalb des Skripts in jedem Geltungsbereich sichtbar ist. Es ist nicht nötig, sie mit global $variable bekannt zu machen, um aus Funktionen oder Methoden darauf zuzugreifen.


Wenn das Skript auf der Kommandozeile ausgeführt wird, enthält die Variable nicht den Inhalt von argv und argc; diese finden sich im Array $_SERVER.


Die Variablen in $_REQUEST werden dem Skript mittels der GET-, POST- und COOKIE-Inputmechanismen zur Verfügung gestellt. Daher kann der Inhalt durch einen entfernten Benutzer modifiziert worden sein und ist daher als nicht vertrauenswürdig zu betrachten. Das Vorhandensein und die Reihenfolge des Variableninhalts in diesem Array wird entsprechend der PHP-Konfigurationsdirektiven request_order und variables_order bestimmt.

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User Contributed Notes 5 notes

strata_ranger at hotmail dot com
16 years ago
Don't forget, because $_REQUEST is a different variable than $_GET and $_POST, it is treated as such in PHP -- modifying $_GET or $_POST elements at runtime will not affect the ellements in $_REQUEST, nor vice versa.



['foo'] = 'a';
$_POST['bar'] = 'b';
var_dump($_GET); // Element 'foo' is string(1) "a"
var_dump($_POST); // Element 'bar' is string(1) "b"
var_dump($_REQUEST); // Does not contain elements 'foo' or 'bar'


If you want to evaluate $_GET and $_POST variables by a single token without including $_COOKIE in the mix, use $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] to identify the method used and set up a switch block accordingly, e.g:


'GET': $the_request = &$_GET; break;
'POST': $the_request = &$_POST; break;
// Etc.
mike o.
14 years ago
The default php.ini on your system as of in PHP 5.3.0 may exclude cookies from $_REQUEST. The request_order ini directive specifies what goes in the $_REQUEST array; if that does not exist, then the variables_order directive does. Your distribution's php.ini may exclude cookies by default, so beware.
3 years ago
In PHP version 7.0 with the default settings.+, $_REQUEST array does not contain cookies.
Luke Madhanga
8 years ago
To access $_POST, $_GET, etc, use the function filter_input(TYPE, varname, filter) to ensure that your data is clean.

Also, I was brought up to believe that modifying superglobals is a BAD idea. I stand by this belief and would recommend you do too
3 years ago

The way $_REQUEST is populated by default can lead to strange bugs because of the unfortunate default setting of the configuration directive 'variables_order'.

Example: In an e-shop you want to display prices based on user preference. User can either switch the currency or the previous selection is used. By defaut, the following code WILL NOT WORK as expected:

if ($_REQUEST['currency']) # change currency on user request
$currency = $_REQUEST['currency']; # use it
setcookie('currency', $_REQUEST['currency'], 0, 'eshop.php'); # store it
# use default currency
$currency = 'USD';

# display shop contents with user selected currency
echo 'All prices are shown in ', $currency;

# let the user switch currency
echo '<a href="eshop.php?currency=USD">Switch to USD</a>';
'<a href="eshop.php?currency=EUR">Switch to EUR</a>';

Regardless of the user choice, the cookie value is used, so unless you change the default 'request_order' or 'variables_order' the $_REQUEST[something] variable is stuck with the cookie value forever regardless of the user 'REQUEST'.

Fix 1:

('request_order', 'CGP'); # use previous value (stored in cookie) or new value upon user request

Fix 2:
Be very careful and patient and go with $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE instead of the convenient $_REQUEST. Good luck.
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