PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PECL ssh2 >= 0.9.0)

ssh2_pollPoll the channels/listeners/streams for events


ssh2_poll(array &$desc, int $timeout = 30): int

Polls the channels/listeners/streams for events, and returns the number of descriptors which returned non-zero revents.


This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.



An indexed array of subarrays with the keys 'resource' and 'events'. The value of the resource is a (channel) stream or an SSH2 Listener resource. The value of the event are SSH2_POLL* flags bitwise ORed together. Each subarray will be populated with an 'revents' element on return, whose values are SSH2_POLL* flags bitwise ORed together of the events that occurred.


The timeout in seconds.

Return Values

Returns the number of descriptors which returned non-zero revents.

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