PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PECL memcache >= 0.2.0)

Memcache::deleteDelete item from the server


Memcache::delete(string $key, int $exptime = 0): bool

Memcache::delete() deletes an item with the key.



The key associated with the item to delete.


This deprecated parameter is not supported, and defaults to 0 seconds. Do not use this parameter.

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Version Description
PECL memcache 3.0.5 The exptime is deprecated, and should not be supplied. Values other than 0 may cause unexpected errors.


Example #1 Memcache::delete() example


/* procedural API */
$memcache_obj = memcache_connect('memcache_host', 11211);

/* item will be deleted by the server */
memcache_delete($memcache_obj, 'key_to_delete');

/* OO API */
$memcache_obj = new Memcache;
$memcache_obj->connect('memcache_host', 11211);



See Also

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User Contributed Notes 5 notes

nibblebot at gmail dot com
14 years ago
the Memcache::delete(key) function is broken on several combinations of memcached+pecl-memcache combinations.

pecl-memcache 2.2.5 + memcached 1.4.2 - Memcache::delete(key) WORKS

pecl-memcache 2.2.5 + memcached 1.4.3 - Memcache::delete(key) DOES NOT WORK

pecl-memcache 2.2.5 + memcached 1.4.4 - Memcache::delete(key) WORKS

pecl-memcache 2.2.5 + memcached 1.4.5 - Memcache::delete(key) WORKS

pecl-memcache 3.0.4 + memcached 1.4.2 - Memcache::delete(key) WORKS

pecl-memcache 3.0.4 + memcached 1.4.3 - Memcache::delete(key) DOES NOT WORK

pecl-memcache 3.0.4 + memcached 1.4.4 - Memcache::delete(key) DOES NOT WORK

pecl-memcache 3.0.4 + memcached 1.4.5 - Memcache::delete(key) DOES NOT WORK
vbaspcppguy at gmail dot com
14 years ago
According to the documents, $timeout is not required, but for me if I did not include it regardless of value, it fired an error. I made a simple fix for it.

class memcache_tools extends memcache
public function
delete($key, $expire=0)
parent::delete($key, $expire);

This will force it to behave as it should regardless of version.
me at adamhahn dot com
12 years ago
I could not get the delete to work properly, so I ended up trying the 'set' method and setting the timeout value to -1.

->set('index', 'deleted', 0, -1);

It solved my problem with the delete method.

(using memcached 1.4.5 and pecl-memcache 3.0.6)
11 years ago
In my case this code does NOT work:
->set('index', 'deleted', 0, -1);
because of expire == -1.

I set expire = 1 (and I prefer "replace"):
->replace('index', '', 0, 1);
14 years ago
Regardless of whether or not it succeeds, for me on Ubuntu 10.04 it always returns false. Just an FYI, you can't seem to rely on the result.
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