PHP 8.4.0 Beta 5 available for testing

Funciones Matemáticas

Tabla de contenidos

  • abs — Valor absoluto
  • acos — Arco coseno
  • acosh — Arco coseno hiperbólico
  • asin — Arco seno
  • asinh — Arco seno hiperbólico
  • atan — Arco tangente
  • atan2 — Arco tangente de dos variables
  • atanh — Arco tangente hiperbólica
  • base_convert — Convertir un número entre bases arbitrarias
  • bindec — Binario a decimal
  • ceil — Redondear fracciones hacia arriba
  • cos — Coseno
  • cosh — Coseno hiperbólico
  • decbin — Decimal a binario
  • dechex — Decimal a hexadecimal
  • decoct — Decimal a octal
  • deg2rad — Convierte el número en grados a su equivalente en radianes
  • exp — Calcula la exponencial de e
  • expm1 — Devuelve exp(numero)-1, calculado de tal forma que no pierde precisión incluso cuando el valor del numero se aproxima a cero.
  • fdiv — Divides two numbers, according to IEEE 754
  • floor — Redondear fracciones hacia abajo
  • fmod — Devuelve el resto en punto flotante (módulo) de la división de los argumentos
  • hexdec — Hexadecimal a decimal
  • hypot — Calcula la longitud de la hipotenusa de un triángulo de ángulo recto
  • intdiv — División entera
  • is_finite — Encuentra si un valor es un número finito legal
  • is_infinite — Encuentra si un valor es infinito
  • is_nan — Encuentra si un valor no es un número
  • log — Logaritmo natural
  • log10 — Logaritmo en base 10
  • log1p — Devuelve log(1 + numero), calculado de tal forma que no pierde precisión incluso cuando el valor del numero se aproxima a cero.
  • max — Encontrar el valor más alto
  • min — Encontrar el valor más bajo
  • octdec — Octal a decimal
  • pi — Obtener valor de pi
  • pow — Expresión exponencial
  • rad2deg — Convierte el número en radianes a su equivalente en grados
  • round — Redondea un float
  • sin — Seno
  • sinh — Seno hiperbólico
  • sqrt — Raíz cuadrada
  • tan — Tangente
  • tanh — Tangente hiperbólica
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User Contributed Notes 26 notes

pat.mat AT sympatico DOT com
20 years ago
For people interest in Differential Equations, I've done a function that receive a string like: x^2+x^3 and put it in
2x+3x^2 witch is the differantial of the previous equation.

In the code there is one thing missing: the $string{$i} is often going outOfBound (Uninitialized string offset: 6 in...)
if your error setting is set a little too high... I just dont know how to fix this.

So there is the code for differential equation with (+ and -) only:

function differentiel($equa)
$equa = strtolower($equa);
echo "Equation de depart: ".$equa."<br>";
$final = "";

for($i = 0; $i < strlen($equa); $i++)
//Make a new string from the receive $equa
if($equa{$i} == "x" && $equa{$i+1} == "^")
$final .= $equa{$i+2};
$final .= "x^";
$final .= $equa{$i+2}-1;
elseif($equa{$i} == "+" || $equa{$i} == "-")
$final .= $equa{$i};
elseif(is_numeric($equa{$i}) && $i == 0)
//gerer parenthese et autre terme generaux + gerer ^apres: 2^2
$final .= $equa{$i}."*";
elseif(is_numeric($equa{$i}) && $i > 0 && $equa{$i-1} != "^")
//gerer ^apres: 2^2
$final .= $equa{$i}."*";
elseif($equa{$i} == "^")
elseif(is_numeric($equa{$i}) && $equa{$i-1} == "^")
if($equa{$i} == "x")
$final .= 1;
$final .= $equa{$i};
//Manage multiplication add in the previous string $final
$finalMul = "";
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($final); $i++)
if(is_numeric($final{$i}) && $final{$i+1} == "*" && is_numeric($final{$i+2}))
$finalMul .= $final{$i}*$final{$i+2};
elseif($final{$i} == "*")
elseif(is_numeric($final{$i}) && $final{$i+1} != "*" && $final{$i-1} == "*")
$finalMul .= $final{$i};
echo "equa final: ".$finalMul;

I know this is not optimal but i've done this quick :)
If you guys have any comment just email me.
I also want to do this fonction In C to add to phpCore maybe soon...
daniel at g-loc dot org
18 years ago
If you're an aviator and needs to calculate windcorrection angles and groundspeed (e.g. during flightplanning) this can be very useful.

$windcorrection = rad2deg(asin((($windspeed * (sin(deg2rad($tt - ($winddirection-180))))/$tas))));
$groundspeed = $tas*cos(deg2rad($windcorrection)) + $windspeed*cos(deg2rad($tt-($winddirection-180)));

You can probably write these lines more beautiful, but they work!
16 years ago
Wouldn't the following function do the same but a lot easier than the one in the comment before?

function trimInteger($targetNumber,$newLength) {
return $targetNumber%pow(10,$newLength);
info at gavinvincent dot co dot uk
19 years ago
If you need to deal with polar co-ordinates for somereason you will need to convert to and from x,y for input and output in most situations: here are some functions to convert cartesian to polar and polar to cartesian
//returns array of r, theta in the range of 0-2*pi (in radians)
function rect2polar($x,$y)
if($y>0) $theta=pi()/2;
else $theta=3*pi()/2;
else if($x<0) $theta=atan($y/$x)+pi();
else if($y<0) $theta=atan($y/$x)+2*pi();
else $theta=atan($y/$x);
return $polar;
else return false;

//r must be in radians, returns array of x,y
function polar2rect($r,$theta)
return false;
6 years ago
And the reason I needed a Factorial function is because I there were no nPr or nCr functions native to PHP, either.

function n_pick_r($n,$r){$n=(int)$n; $r=(int)$r;return (fact($n)/fact($n-$r));}
function n_choose_r($n,$r){$n=(int)$n; $r=(int)$r;return (n_pick_r($n,$r)/fact($r));}

Hope that helps someone!
php at keith tyler dot com
13 years ago
Another ordinal method, which does not involve utilizing date functions:

( "%d%s", $t, array_pop( array_slice( array_merge( array( "th","st","nd","rd"), array_fill( 4,6,"th")), $t%10, 1)));'
16 years ago
//had a mistake in last post, heres the corrected version

Just a simple function to trim digits from the left side of an integer. TRIM DOWN TO 4-> (ie. 987654 => 7654)

function trimInteger($targetNumber,$newLength) {

$digits = pow(10,$newLength);

$s = ($targetNumber/ $digits); //make the last X digits the decimal part

$t = floor($targetNumber / $digits); //drop the last X digits (the decimal part)

$h = $s - $t; //remove all but the decimal part

$newInteger = ($h*$digits); //make the everything after the decimal point the new number

return $newInteger;
florian at shellfire dot de
20 years ago
Please note that shorter is not always better
(meaning that really short faculty implementation above).

In my opinion, a clearer way to code this is, including a check
for negative or non-integer values.

In order to calculate the faculty of a positive integer,
an iterative way (which might be harder to understand)
is usually a bit faster, but I am using it only for small
values so it is not really important to me:


// Calculate the Faculty of a positive int-value
function iFaculty($a_iFac)
if (
$a_iFac > 0)
$a_iFac * $this->iFaculty($a_iFac - 1);
elseif (
$a_iFac == 0)
0; // Wrong argument!

I've also written another function to calculate the
binomial coefficient of 2 values, I didn't find it anywhere yet so I hope it might help someone (works fine with the above stated faculty-function and ready to be used inside of your own classes!)


// calculates the binomial coefficient "n over k" of 2 positive int values
// for n >= k
function iBinCoeff($a_iN, $a_iK)
// the binomial coefficient is defined as n! / [ (n-k)! * k! ]
return $this->iFaculty($a_iN) / ($this->iFaculty($a_iN - $a_iK) * $this->iFaculty($a_iK));

edward at edwardsun dot com
18 years ago
well just a note.. maybe i'm a bit stupid.. but remember to use pow() rather than the "^" sign for exponents.. as it took me 5 minutes to figure out why it wasn't working.
moikboy (nospam!) moikboy (nospam!) hu
18 years ago
I think, this is the optimal code for calculating factorials:

function fact($int){
$int<2)return 1;

And another one for calculating the $int-th Fibonacci-number:

function fib($int){
return empty(
$fibTable[$int])?$fibTable[$int] = $int>1?fib($int-2)+fib($int-1):1:$fibTable[$int];
Chronial "at"
20 years ago
Here are are a nPr and a nPc function
(had to define NaN - don't know, how to this the "rigth" way)


if (
$r > $n)
if ((
$n-$r) < $r)
$return = 1;
for (
$i=0;$i < $r;$i++){
$return *= ($n-$i)/($i+1);

if (
$r > $n)
if (
AsherMaximum gmail
13 years ago
Here's a simple way way to convert a number to an ordinal number I created:

$i == the number to convert. Put this inside a for loop if you need to populate an array.

// change increment variable to ordinal number.
$n1 = $i % 100; //first remove all but the last two digits

$n2 = ($n1 < 20 ? $1 : $i % 10; //remove all but last digit unless the number is in the teens, which all should be 'th'

//$n is now used to determine the suffix.
$ord = ($n2==1 ? $i.'st' : ( ($n2==2 ? $i.'nd' : ($n2==3 ? $i.'rd' : $i.'th') ) ) )
capripot at gmail dot com
12 years ago
Another simpler function to check a number with the luhn algorithm :

function luhn($num){
$num = array_reverse(str_split($num));
$add = 0;
$num as $k => $v){
$v = $v*2;
$add += ($v >= 10 ? $v - 9 : $v);
return (
$add%10 == 0);

Don't know if foreach and arrays operations are faster than while and substr, but I feel it clearer.
help at gjbdesign dot com
19 years ago
Occasionally a user must enter a number in a form. This function converts fractions to decimals and leaves decimals untouched. Of course, you may wish to round the final output, but that is not included here.

/*Some example values of $q
$q = "2.5";
$q = "2 1/2";
$q = "5/2";
function Deci_Con($q){
//check for a space, signifying a whole number with a fraction
if(strstr($q, ' ')){
$wa = strrev($q);
$wb = strrev(strstr($wa, ' '));
$whole = true;//this is a whole number
//now check the fraction part
if(strstr($q, '/')){
$whole==true){//if whole number, then remove the whole number and space from the calculations
$q = strstr($q, ' ');
$b = str_replace("/","",strstr($q, '/'));//this is the divisor
//isolate the numerator
$c = strrev($q);
$d = strstr($c, '/');
$e = strrev($d);
$a = str_replace("/","",$e);//the pre-final numerator
if($whole==true){//add the whole number to the calculations
$a = $a+($wb*$b);//new numerator is whole number multiplied by denominator plus original numerator
$q = $a/$b;//this is now your decimal
return $q;
$q;//not a fraction, just return the decimal
patience at worldonline dot nl
22 years ago
The example for Factorials given above is wrong. Here a correct version, so that you do not have to reinvent the wheel again...

function mathFact( $s )
$r = (int) $s;

if (
$r < 2 )
$r = 1;
else {
for (
$i = $r-1; $i > 1; $i-- )
$r = $r * $i;

$r );
jl85 at yahoo dot com
20 years ago
Here's yet another greatest common denominator (gcd) function, a reeeeally small one.

function gcd($n,$m){
if(!$m)return$n;return gcd($m,$n%$m);

It works by recursion. Not really sure about it's speed, but it's really small! This won't work on floating point numbers accurately though. If you want a floating point one, you need to have at least PHP 4, and the code would be

function gcd($n,$m){
if(!$m)return$n;return gcd($m,fmod($n,$m));
ian at mp3 dot com
23 years ago
for those looking for a credit card verification function i wrote a simple LUHN Formula algorithm:

= 1;

$numOfDigits = 0 - strlen($ccNumber);

$i = -1;
while (
if ((
$i % 2) == 0){
$double = 2*(substr($ccNumber, $i, 1));
$total += substr($double,0,1);
if (
strlen($double > 1)){
$total += substr($double,1,1);
} else {
$total += substr($ccNumber, $i, 1);

if ((
$total % 10) != 0){
$valid = 0;
18 years ago
A function that simulates the sum operator. ( Be careful with the expression because it may cause a security hole; note the single quotes to don't parse the "$".
# @param string $expr expression to evaluate (for example (2*$x)^2+1)
# @param string $var dummy variable (for example "x")
# @param integer $start
# @param integer $end
# @param integer $step

function sum($expr,$var,$start,$end,$step = 1) {
$expr = str_replace(';','',$expr);
$var = str_replace('$','',$var);
$start = (int)$start; $end = (int)$end; $step = (int)$step; $sum = 0;

for (
$i = $start; $i <= $end; $i = $i + $step) {
$_expr = str_replace('$'.$var,$i,$expr);
$_eval = '$_result = '.$_expr.'; return $_result;';
$_result = eval($_eval);
$result === FALSE) return "SYNTAX ERROR : $expr";
$sum += $_result;
return (int)
22 years ago
And the reason I needed a Factorial function is because I there were no nPr or nCr functions native to PHP, either.

function n_pick_r($n,$r){$n=(int)$n; $r=(int)$r;return (fact($n)/fact($n-$r));}
function n_choose_r($n,$r){$n=(int)$n; $r=(int)$r;return (n_pick_r($n,$r)/fact($r));}

Hope that helps someone!
fabien_mornand at yahoo dot fr
20 years ago
here is an algorithm to calculate gcd of a number. This is Euclid algorithm i was studying in Maths. I've converted it in php for the fun.

if($a && $b)
$ax=$a; $bx=$b;
'PGCD ('.$ax.' , '.$bx.' ) = '.$rx;
jordanolsommer at imap dot cc
21 years ago
The reason the bitwise AND ("&") operator works to determine whether a number is odd or even is because odd numbers expressed in binary always have the rightmost (2^0) bit = 1 and even numbers always have the 2^0 bit = 0.

So if you do a " 1 & $num", it will return zero if the number is even (since xxxxxxx0 [the even number in binary] and 00000001 [the 1]) don't share any bits, and will return 1 if the number is odd (xxxxxx1 and 000001).

a clever way of doing things, but $num % 2 would work as well i think :).
jl85 at yahoo dot com
21 years ago
Theres another faster way of doing even/odd number checking by using bitwise operators. Don't ask me how it works, I just found this out by experimenting with it (could the editor possibly explain?)

if ((1&$num)) {
echo "$num is odd";

if (!(1&$num)) {
echo "$num is even";

How it works is (1&$num) returns a 1 for odd numbers and returns 0 when it's an even number.
jerry dot wilborn at fast dot net
21 years ago
Here is how to calculate standard deviation in PHP where $samples is an array of incrementing numeric keys and the values are your samples:

$sample_count = count($samples);

for ($current_sample = 0; $sample_count > $current_sample; ++$current_sample) $sample_square[$current_sample] = pow($samples[$current_sample], 2);

$standard_deviation = sqrt(array_sum($sample_square) / $sample_count - pow((array_sum($samples) / $sample_count), 2));
tembenite at gmail dot com
17 years ago
To add to what Cornelius had, I have written a function that will take an array of numbers and return the least common multiple of them:

function lcm_arr($items){
//Input: An Array of numbers
//Output: The LCM of the numbers
while(2 <= count($items)){
array_push($items, lcm(array_shift($items), array_shift($items)));
return reset($items);

//His Code below with $'s added for vars

function gcd($n, $m) {
$n=abs($n); $m=abs($m);
if ($n==0 and $m==0)
return 1; //avoid infinite recursion
if ($n==$m and $n>=1)
return $n;
return $m<$n?gcd($n-$m,$n):gcd($n,$m-$n);

function lcm($n, $m) {
return $m * ($n/gcd($n,$m));
barry at megaspace dot com
17 years ago
Here's a least common denominator (lcd) function:

$array = array(3,4,6,8,18,2);

function lcd($array,$x) {

$mod_sum = 0;

for($int=1;$int < count($array);$int++) {
$modulus[$int] = ($array[0]*$x) % ($array[$int]);
$mod_sum = $mod_sum + $modulus[$int];

if (!$mod_sum) {
echo "LCD: ".($array[0]*$x)."\n";

else {


9 years ago
Lowest Common Denominator:
function lcd($num, $start) {
while($num % $start != 0) {
return $start;
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