PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing



Ein Operator ist etwas das Sie mit einem oder mehreren Werten (oder Ausdrücken, um im Programmierjargon zu sprechen) füttern und Sie erhalten als Ergebnis einen anderen Wert (damit wird diese Konstruktion selbst zu einem Ausdruck).

Operatoren können gemäß der Anzahl der Operanden, die sie erwarten, gruppiert werden. Unäre Operatoren arbeiten mit nur einem Operanden, zum Beispiel ! (der logische Negationsoperator) oder ++ (der Inkrementoperator). Binäre Operatoren arbeiten mit zwei Operanden, wie etwa die bekannten arithmetischen Operatoren + (Plus) und - (Minus), und die meisten PHP-Operatoren fallen in diese Kategorie. Schließlich gibt es einen einzigen ternären Operator, ? :, der mit drei Operanden arbeitet; dieser wird meist einfach "der ternäre Operator" genannt (obwohl er wohl richtiger bedingter Operator genannt werden könnte).

Eine vollständige Liste von PHP-Operatoren folgt im Abschnitt Operator-Rangfolge. Dieser Abschnitt erklärt weiterhin die Operator-Rangfolge und die Assoziativität (Ausführungspriorität), die regeln wie Ausdrücke, die mehrere unterschiedliche Operatoren enthalten, ausgewertet werden.

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

20 years ago
of course this should be clear, but i think it has to be mentioned espacially:

AND is not the same like &&

for example:

<?php $a && $b || $c; ?>
is not the same like
<?php $a AND $b || $c; ?>

the first thing is
(a and b) or c

the second
a and (b or c)

'cause || has got a higher priority than and, but less than &&

of course, using always [ && and || ] or [ AND and OR ] would be okay, but than you should at least respect the following:

<?php $a = $b && $c; ?>
<?php $a
= $b AND $c; ?>

the first code will set $a to the result of the comparison $b with $c, both have to be true, while the second code line will set $a like $b and THAN - after that - compare the success of this with the value of $c

maybe usefull for some tricky coding and helpfull to prevent bugs :D

greetz, Warhog
anisgazig at gmail dot com
4 years ago
Operator are used to perform operation.

Operator are mainly divided by three groups.
1.Uniary Operators that takes one values
2.Binary Operators that takes two values
3.ternary operators that takes three values

Operator are mainly divided by three groups that are totally seventeen types.
1.Arithmetic Operator
+ = Addition
- = Subtraction
* = Multiplication
/ = Division
% = Modulo
** = Exponentiation

2.Assignment Operator
= "equal to

3.Array Operator
+ = Union
== = Equality
=== = Identity
!= = Inequality
<> = Inequality
!== = Non-identity

4.Bitwise Operator
& = and
^ = xor
| = not
<< = shift left
>> = shift right

5.Comparison Operator
== = equal
=== = identical
!= = not equal
!== = not identical
<> = not equal
< = less than
<= less than or equal
> = greater than
>= = greater than or equal
<=> = spaceship operator

6.Execution Operator
`` = backticks

7.Error Control Operator
@ = at sign

8.Incrementing/Decrementing Operator
++$a = PreIncrement
$a++ = PostIncrement
--$a = PreDecrement
$a-- = Postdecrement

9.Logical Operator
&& = And
|| = Or
! = Not
and = And
xor = Xor
or = Or

10.string Operator
. = concatenation operator
.= concatenating assignment operator

11.Type Operator
instanceof = instanceof

12.Ternary or Conditional operator
?: = Ternary operator

13.Null Coalescing Operator
??" = null coalescing

14.Clone new Operator
clone new = clone new

15.yield from Operator

yield from = yield from

16.yield Operator
yield = yield

17.print Operator
print = print
yasuo_ohgaki at hotmail dot com
23 years ago
Other Language books' operator precedence section usually include "(" and ")" - with exception of a Perl book that I have. (In PHP "{" and "}" should also be considered also). However, PHP Manual is not listed "(" and ")" in precedence list. It looks like "(" and ")" has higher precedence as it should be.

Note: If you write following code, you would need "()" to get expected value.

= true;
$str = "TEST". ($bar ? 'true' : 'false') ."TEST";

Without "(" and ")" you will get only "true" in $str.
(PHP4.0.4pl1/Apache DSO/Linux, PHP4.0.5RC1/Apache DSO/W2K Server)
It's due to precedence, probably.
figroc at gmail dot com
16 years ago
The variable symbol '$' should be considered as the highest-precedence operator, so that the variable variables such as $$a[0] won't confuse the parser. []
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