PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

xmlrpc_decodeXML'i doğal PHP türlerine dönüştürür


xmlrpc_decode(string $xml, string $kodlama = "iso-8859-1"): mixed

Bu işlev DENEYSELDİR. Bu işlevin davranışı, ismi ve belgeleri PHP'nin sonraki sürümlerinde hiçbir duyuru yapılmaksızın değiştirilebilir. Bu risk göze alınamayacaksa bu işlev kullanılmamalıdır.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


XMLRPC yöntemi tarafından döndürülen XML yanıtı.


iconv tarafından desteklenen karakter kodlamalarından biri.

Dönen Değerler

XMLRPC yöntemiyle döndürülen yanıta göre bir dizi, bir tamsayı, bir dizge veya mantıksal bir değer döner.


xmlrpc_encode_request() işlevindeki örneğe bakınız.

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

8 years ago
Note that from libxml 2.7.9+ there is a limit of 10MB for the XML-RPC response.

If the response is larger, xmlrpc_decode will simply return NULL.

There is currently no way to override this limit like we can with the other xml functions (LIBXML_PARSEHUGE)
phil dot berry at elise-international dot net
13 years ago
Make sure the server isn't returning a string with a space for the first character, this fails in version 5.3.3 and the function returns null (though seems to be ok in 5.2).

Easily sorted by trimming the response data:

<?php xmlrpc_decode( trim($response) ); ?>
hfuecks at pinkgoblin dot com
22 years ago
Use this with an XML-RPC client to decode a server response into native PHP variables. It will automatically translate the response XML-RPC data types into their PHP equivalents.

This function will return only false is there is any problem with format of the XML it receives.

The HTTP response header will need to be stripped off with something like;

=(substr($response, strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n")+4));

$phpvars = xmlrpc_decode ($xml);
david dot bachelart at polytechnique dot org
20 years ago
Be careful with encodings, the xmlrpc-decode function is rather strict. For example, the following response parse returns NULL :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<value><string>a & b</string></value>

You should use entities :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<value><string>a &amp; b</string></value>

If your server does not encode responses properly, you may have to process responses before parse.
ryon dot sherman at gmail dot com
15 years ago
64 bit (i8) integers are not parsed by xmlrpc_decode().
Use a string replacement to work around this:


= str_replace('i8>', 'i4>', $xml);

$decoded_xml = xmlrpc_decode($xml);

carmageddon at gmail dot com
11 years ago
Apparently there is a slight problem with xmlrpc_decode (or php) which re-formats this input: <value><double>0.000000</double></value>

As the double number 0.

To get around it, use: number_format($val, 2);
Output would be 0.00
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