PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

stream_get_lineGets line from stream resource up to a given delimiter


stream_get_line(resource $stream, int $length, string $ending = ""): string|false

Gets a line from the given handle.

Reading ends when length bytes have been read, when the non-empty string specified by ending is found (which is not included in the return value), or on EOF (whichever comes first).

This function is nearly identical to fgets() except in that it allows end of line delimiters other than the standard \n, \r, and \r\n, and does not return the delimiter itself.



A valid file handle.


The maximum number of bytes to read from the handle. Negative values are not supported. Zero (0) means the default socket chunk size, i.e. 8192 bytes.


An optional string delimiter.


Returns a string of up to length bytes read from the file pointed to by stream,Bei einem Fehler wird false zurückgegeben..

Siehe auch

  • fread() - Liest Binärdaten aus einer Datei
  • fgets() - Liest die Zeile von der Position des Dateizeigers
  • fgetc() - Liest das Zeichen, auf welches der Dateizeiger zeigt
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User Contributed Notes 1 note

pk at ritm dot ru
15 years ago
fgets is faster but stream_get_line is more useful in a tcp server scripts.

when fgets reads some bytes from socket, where EOF is reached, it returns bool(false) same as stream_get_line

BUT if remote client drops connection, and server script will try to read some data with function fgets, function will return bool(false), and stream_get_line will return string(0) ""

so you can detect remote client disconnection with stream_get_line, and cannot with fgets
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