PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

ImagickDraw::arcDessine un arc


public ImagickDraw::arc(
    float $sx,
    float $sy,
    float $ex,
    float $ey,
    float $sd,
    float $ed
): bool

Cette fonction est actuellement non documentée ; seule la liste des arguments est disponible.

Dessine un arc, placé à l'intérieur d'un rectangle.

Liste de paramètres


Abscisse du point de début d'arc dans le rectangle d'encadrement


Ordonnée du point de début d'arc dans le rectangle d'encadrement


Abscisse du point de fin d'arc dans le rectangle d'encadrement


Ordonnée du point de fin d'arc dans le rectangle d'encadrement


Degré de rotation initial


Degré de rotation final

Valeurs de retour

Aucune valeur n'est retournée.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec ImagickDraw::arc()

function arc($strokeColor, $fillColor, $backgroundColor, $startX, $startY, $endX, $endY, $startAngle, $endAngle) {

//Create a ImagickDraw object to draw into.
$draw = new \ImagickDraw();

$draw->arc($startX, $startY, $endX, $endY, $startAngle, $endAngle);

//Create an image object which the draw commands can be rendered into
$image = new \Imagick();
$image->newImage(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, $backgroundColor);

//Render the draw commands in the ImagickDraw object
//into the image.

//Send the image to the browser
header("Content-Type: image/png");


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User Contributed Notes 1 note

skmanji at manji dot org
13 years ago
You can do a pie chart with a combination of arc and polygon functions (there really ought to be a built-in command for this)

// create a new canvas object and a white image
$canvas = new Imagick();
$canvas->newImage(600, 600, 'grey');

image_pie($canvas, 300, 300, 200, 0, 45, 'red');
image_pie($canvas, 300, 300, 200, 45, 125, 'green');
image_pie($canvas, 300, 300, 200, 125, 225, 'blue');
image_pie($canvas, 300, 300, 200, 225, 300, 'cyan');
image_pie($canvas, 300, 300, 200, 300, 360, 'orange');

// output the image
header("Content-Type: image/png");


function image_arc( &$canvas, $sx, $sy, $ex, $ey, $sd, $ed, $color = 'black' ) {

// draw arc on canvas
// $sx, $sy, $ex, $ey specify a bounding rectangle of a circle with the origin in the middle
// $sd, and $ed specify start and end angles in degrees

$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$draw->arc($sx, $sy, $ex, $ey, $sd, $ed);

image_pie( &$canvas, $ox, $oy, $radius, $sd, $ed, $color = 'black' ) {

// draw pie segment
// $ox, $oy specify the circle origin
// $sd, and $ed specify start and end angles in degrees
// degrees start from 0 = East, and go clockwise

// position 1 - convert degrees to radians and get first point on perimeter of circle
$x1 = $radius * cos($sd / 180 * 3.1416);
$y1 = $radius * sin($sd / 180 * 3.1416);

// position 2 - convert degrees to radians and get second point on perimeter of circle
$x2 = $radius * cos($ed / 180 * 3.1416);
$y2 = $radius * sin($ed / 180 * 3.1416);

// draw segment triangle - specify the 3 points and draw a polygon
$points = array(array('x' => $ox, 'y' => $oy), array('x' => $ox + $x1, 'y' => $oy + $y1), array('x' => $ox + $x2, 'y' => $oy + $y2));

image_polygon($canvas, $points, $color);

// draw corrsesponding arc to complete the "pie" segment
image_arc($canvas, $ox - $radius, $oy - $radius, $ox + $radius, $oy + $radius, $sd, $ed, $color);

image_polygon( &$canvas, $points, $color = 'black' ) {

// draw a polygon on canvas

$draw = new ImagickDraw();

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