PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)

cubrid_fetch_assocReturn the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row


cubrid_fetch_assoc(resource $result, int $type = ?): array

This function returns the associative array, that corresponds to the fetched row, and then moves the internal data pointer ahead, or returns FALSE when the end is reached.



result comes from a call to cubrid_execute()


Type can only be CUBRID_LOB, this parameter will be used only when you need to operate the lob object.


Associative array, when process is successful.

false, when there are no more rows; NULL, when process is unsuccessful.

例1 cubrid_fetch_assoc() example

= cubrid_connect("localhost", 33000, "demodb");
$req = cubrid_execute($conn, "SELECT name,area,seats,address FROM stadium WHERE nation_code='GRE' AND seats > 10000");

printf("%-40s %-10s %-6s %-20s\n", "name", "area", "seats", "address");
while (
$row = cubrid_fetch_assoc($req)) {
printf("%-40s %-10s %-6s %-20s\n",
$row["name"], $row["area"], $row["seats"], $row["address"]);

// if you want to operate LOB object, you can use cubrid_fetch_assoc($req, CUBRID_LOB)




name                                     area       seats  address             
Panathinaiko Stadium                     86300.00   50000  Athens, Greece      
Olympic Stadium                          54700.00   13000  Athens, Greece      
Olympic Indoor Hall                      34100.00   18800  Athens, Greece      
Olympic Hall                             52400.00   21000  Athens, Greece      
Olympic Aquatic Centre                   42500.00   11500  Athens, Greece      
Markopoulo Olympic Equestrian Centre     64000.00   15000  Markopoulo, Athens, Greece
Faliro Coastal Zone Olympic Complex      34650.00   12171  Faliro, Athens, Greece
Athens Olympic Stadium                   120400.00  71030  Maroussi, Athens, Greece 
Ano Liossia                              34000.00   12000  Ano Liosia, Athens, Greece


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